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Humanus Genus Encyclical

Essay by   •  November 6, 2010  •  1,747 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,140 Views

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This particular encyclical by Pope Leo XIII warns of one of the greatest social problems of the late 1800's and of today - the neglect in which Christian virtues are observed. Two very distinct and opposite parts encompass mankind. The first represents truth and virtue, (God's earthly kingdom) the other represents all things against virtue and truth (the kingdom of Satan). Since the beginning of Creation, these two parts have been in conflict.

One association - the order of the Freemasons has time and again proven itself to be a leader in the destruction of the Christian doctrine, particularly that of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. To destroy Christian beliefs in all nations is their ultimate aim. Church leaders at all levels must warn their followers of the hidden dangers of joining groups or sects who promote moral corruptness and lawlessness. Salvation, too, must be diligently preached if the Church is to experience growth.

Church predecessors gave detailed written accounts of thee Freemasons and their actions and constitutions have confirmed their being a dangerous sect. When they were denounced publicly by the apostolic see, the Roman Pontiffs who discredited them were themselves accused of making false accusations. This resulted in European governments questioning the rights of the Church. For one hundred and fifty years there after there was rapid growth in the Freemason membership. They became all-powerful over the State and today their power and evil influence remain a constant threat to Christianity.

Freemason teaching which were once done in secret is now done openly. Secret meetings

and rituals are held. Rulings are without any explanation to its members.

Christian meanings of domestic life and political involvement are discredited. Punishment s meted out to disobedient members by unknown persons. Justice, as we practice it, is against their teachings. Their aim is the world-wide overthrow of religion and political order. They would establish a State of naturalism. Those of its members who might not agree with their practices are still guilty because merely be belonging, they increase its membership and strengthen the sect.

"Human nature and human reason ought in all things be mistress and guide" is their doctrine. God's teachings, religious writings -all are denied by these cunning deceivers. The rights of the Church, its offices, possessions - even the papacy are attacked.

Freemason membership is open to both believers and non-believers which makes it more appealing, thus increasing its overall membership. In doing this, they are saying that all religions are alike. This is a great deception!

Those people who do not believe in God do not believe in Creation, in Providence, in everlasting life after death. Today's laws for moral conduct and justice are based on sacred writings. Injustice and immorality would surely abound without these laws.

Freemasons see our youth as a fertile training ground in which to denounce Christian beliefs. They would remove religious instruction and training from their minds. Only their fixed opinions would be forced upon them. Since humans are more attracted to sin than to virtue, it is necessary more than ever, to keep minds and passions under control. Freemasons see no need to overcome worldly attractions.

Marriage, to them, is not considered a sacred union. It is merely a contract which is easily broken by either spouse according to one's will.

Their proposed State has no God and n-one person has authority over another. People hold the power to depose their rulers. I is their fervent desire to destroy God and the Church which is under His protection. Should this happen, humans would be pagans or worse. Even he earliest of cultures has shown us that native peoples throughout the world have believed in their innermost hearts of a divine and supreme being.

It is truth that all men are equal in origin and nature, but they have different abilities - bodies, minds, characters differ. It is the combinations of these diverse differences working together that make up a just society. How very disastrous it would be if everyone was the same and could use their freewill whenever they so desired.

Present Divine laws are dangerously threatened by sects who promote immorality and lawlessness. When God is no longer an awesome God because of all he has created and because of his great love for us; he is no longer an awesome God, greatly to be feared and his teachings are meaningless. To discredit God is to discredit the Holy Church and all it represents. When this happens, the masses blame the Church for their woes and suffering, and poverty. They attack both the Church and he State. Often, the result leaves them worse off than before and they are more miserable than ever.

From God - the ruling Sovereign Lord of All - comes the "right of ruling". Obeying God is to obey his chosen rulers. It is the Church which offers Christian love and understanding, teaches justice and practices law-giving with sound authority, protects human rights, relieves

poverty through charitable acts.

Knowledge of the teachings of the Holy Church as well as exposing all sects such as the

Freemasons are needed to repel attempts to destroy all she stands for. Religion's power of the Holy Divinity is its best hope against her attackers. Therefore, the work of the apostolic see must continue. God's glory and man's salvation must be not only preached but also strongly defended by clergy and laity it is crucial in today's society, more than ever, to use all means possible to avoid such false societies as the Freemasons. The discipline of the Third Order of St. Francis - to imitate the life of Christ - should be promoted vigorously and constantly. The minds of men must focus on things of the divine in order to effectively refute ignorant philosophies. Such as those of the Freemasons. To those individuals who wish to join organizations, encouragement must be given to them o choose those associations which are good, especially the ones whose works are done with little publicity.

Above all, our united efforts, as good as they may be, need God's help. Therefore, we must be constant



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