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I Could Not Stop For Death & Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

Essay by   •  May 4, 2011  •  1,038 Words (5 Pages)  •  3,438 Views

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Death is going to happen to all of us. We do not know when it will but we will all die. It's such a surprise and it makes you wonder if you're ready for it, if it's alright to die today. Can it be stopped? Is there anyway that anyone does not have to die? Emily Dickinson, in her poem Because I could not op for death, tells us that we have a choice. She emphasized how death will come for us no matter what. I get the feeling that she is telling us that nothing on this Earth matters because we will all disappear someday. On the other hand, Dylan Thomas' Do not go gentle into that good night tells us to not give up, that there's a possibility that we can avoid it for awhile. He tells us that the world is a place where a lot of thing can be done. He is a preacher who is teaching us how to live our lives so it is not wasted.

Emily Dickinson wrote this poem called Because I could not stop for death. Dickinson tells us how death is unstoppable. She personified death as this cold, unforgiving person. An indication of Death as a person is the way she capitalized it like it was a name, like it was proper. In the first stanza, with the line that says, "He kindly stopped for me" (1), Death temporarily stopped for her. This is not for mercy but only to prove a point. Death took her around the world. He was probably showing her what was there to see and do in the world before she dies. At the same time, he also showed her things that are not-so-good in the world. In the third stanza that begins with, "We passed the School, where Children strove at Recess Ð'- in the Ring" (2), she told us that there are sufferings in the world. When she mentioned "Recess Ð'- in the Ring", she made it sound like it's a wrestling or boxing match, that recess is a match in a ring. People are struggling even through their leisure time and trying to fit in. they are living their lives everyday only to find out that someday everything that we worked hard for will disappear. It makes it seem like nothing in this world is forever, especially our lives. There was a part is the poem where they stopped at a cemetery, "We passed before a House that seemed a Swelling of the Ground" (3). He was showing her that one day she will end up in one of those graves. Death for her was almost this serene idea. As people die, no more pressure and struggle. Hardships to make life a little bit better will be taken away by death. Death is eternal.

Dylan Thomas, a preacher, wrote Do not go gentle into that good night. Immediately, he tells us not to give up on our lives, "Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light" (4). This means that we should fight for our lives. Live our lives until we cannot live it anymore. Thomas is a preacher and maybe he's telling us not to end our lives but wait for our judgment. God, our creator, created of all mankind. According to what they teach in church, God knows every second of our lives to be, "I am your creator. You were in my care even before you were born" (Isaiah 44:2). He planned our lives, even our sufferings and our death even before we were planted on this Earth. He who created us is the only one who can take away. This is not a reason to just give up on life. Even if we are already structured,



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