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Illegal Aliens

Essay by   •  March 17, 2016  •  Presentation or Speech  •  329 Words (2 Pages)  •  905 Views

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Illegal Aliens

There are some people who agree with illegal aliens, And some people who don’t.  Illegal aliens are much more than Just Spanish people. They are all sorts of people. A lot of people think that Illegal aliens are not that big of a deal. Well they are, they get free welfare, Take legal aliens taxes and much more.  Personally I think that we should have a Vote as Americans to take the stand against all of these immigrants in America and deport them and imprison them.

 Did you know that if you cross the border into Afghanistan, They will shoot you? Did you know if you try to immigrate into china, You will most likely never be heard of again? It’s crazy how other countries deal with immigration and yet here we are in America where when you immigrate into here you get other people’s money, Don’t have to pay insurances and get welfare? Its breaking the law so why do we reward them?

I think that they should have more strict of  laws for Illegal aliens such as the “catch and throw back” law. This law is when Illegal aliens come to America but gets caught and all that happens is that they just drop them off at the border again and tell them not to come back? No prison time, No jail, Nothing. Nothing happens to them. I think that’s Americas biggest problem is that we don’t give consequences to the people who need them, We simply reward them or look the other way so “US” Americans don’t have to deal with them. We Americans also need to improve our borders against mexico. Most illegal aliens in America are Spanish originated And that means that we need to buckle down on our laws and take control of this mess. We Americans should not have to fight for our rights and then have the illegal aliens come in and get them without a problem.




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