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Imagery In Macbeth

Essay by   •  December 21, 2010  •  1,112 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,564 Views

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Imagery in Macbeth

In Macbeth, William Shakespeare uses many images to represent the feelings of the characters and to foreshadow the outcome of the play in connection with the theme and conflicts. In any literary work, it is extremely important for an author to effectively influence a reader's emotions and feelings. In Macbeth, that feat is accomplished by Shakespeare. Through his skillful use of imagery, Shakespeare shows us a deeper look into the true character of Macbeth and the tragic role he plays in his environment. Though imagery is widespread throughout Macbeth, it is most dominant in animal imagery, blood imagery, and plant imagery. Through these images, Shakespeare demonstrates the development of Macbeth's character as well as the theme and outcome of the play. The theme is related to fate in connection with the disruption of natural order.

Animal imagery plays a pivotal role in Macbeth. Shakespeare uses it for three main reasons: to foreshadow, to show emotions, and to contribute to the theme. The first animal that is introduced is the raven. "The raven himself is hoarse/ that croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan under my battlements" (1.5; 36-38). Here Lady Macbeth had received word from the messenger of Macbeth that he was Thane of Cawdor and would become king of Scotland by the three witch's predictions. Here is also were Lady

Macbeth decides that killing Duncan would be necessary to make the witches prophecies come true. Therefore, the raven is used to represent the death and destruction that will result in Duncan's demise. This was one example that was used to show how animal imagery foreshadowed future events. Another example is the scorpions, which were used to show Macbeths emotions. Macbeth stated "O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife" as his mind was beginning to become poisoned and paranoid over his actions (3.2; 35). He was becoming excessively overwhelmed during this time, so consequently his wrong-doings began to catch up with him. The next example contributed to the theme of the breakdown of natural order as caused by fate. When Ross spoke with an old man, the old man told of strange happenings that involved an owl killing a falcon and horses feasting on one another. (2.4; 10-18) Shakespeare used these events to represent the collapse of order where the roles of the prey and predators reversed and other uncommon occurrences took place. This also occurred in the play when Macbeth, a thane, killed Duncan, the king. Animal imagery was very important because it helped the reader understand Macbeth's character, since he was associated with lions, and eagles at the beginning of the play but then later with scorpions and other vicious animals. (Wikipedia)

"Vicious" is a key word in relation to the next form of imagery which is blood imagery. Shakespeare uses blood imagery to add a sense of fear, guilt, shame, insanity, and anger to the atmosphere. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth's army had just defeated Norwegian invaders in a gruesome battle. In this instance, blood was associated with good because Macbeth preformed well in the battle and was commended for his

actions. Later on, blood took on a more negative role as it was linked to Duncan's death and to Macbeth's insanity. In Act two, scene one, Macbeth had a sudden vision of a dagger floating in the air with its tip aiming toward Duncan. Afterwards, blood imagery is used as Macbeth gives a description of how Duncan will be murdered. "I see thee still; /and on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood, /which was not so before" (2.1; 46-47). Since there was not an actual scene of when Duncan was murdered, blood imagery allowed the reader to visualize this scene in their minds. Soon after, blood was connected with guilt as Macbeth said "will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood/ clean from my hand?" (2.2; 59-60) Through Shakespeare's abundant use of blood imagery, Macbeth's character develops. This is apparent as Macbeth changes from a noble person at the beginning of the play, to a sinister, dishonorable man toward the end. Hence,



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