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Imagine A Country

Essay by   •  April 2, 2011  •  1,121 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,065 Views

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Imagine a Country

Let's take a look back into history and it proves that a country goes through many transformations. In the process it modifies the lives of society; At times the change is for the best or the worst. It really seems to amaze me that many issues like poverty, Gender inequality and substance abuse. Have been around for many centuries however it continues to occur and the percentage is on the rise. How much does one have to suffer before there's any positive and permanent resolutions to the end of the irregularity of the world?

It's hard to imagine a country where children are being born into poverty having, having no choice of their placement in this world. If it's hard for the parents, it's even harder for the children. Living in poverty deprives them from the necessary requirements to survive in life. How can they possibly end the cycle when they don't have food to eat, clothing to cover their backs or funds to get an education. It only deprives the children from exceeding from poverty. Americans are known for taking things for granted. For Example right before closing, I walked in a restaurant as I waited for my order I observed that the employer was discarding the remains of the donuts it was well more than four dozens. Leaving me with a lost of breath, I felt angry and confused. I asked her why must you throw them away, if there is so many people starving. She laughed and continued throwing them away. On my block alone there are two homeless people who eat from the garbage cans. If we as an individual can make a change hopefully, hopefully it would influence others to do the same and maybe it will reflect on society.

Does it pay off to work when you have children? It's a needed requirement to work and maintain your family but how can you provide when childcare is so expensive and your earning barely can pay the childcare. It has been stated that a family with an income under the poverty line spends one fifth of their income on childcare.

Furthermore gender inequality studies show that two out three workers earning minimal wages are women. Women have become Harder and harder to classify by their roles or their careers; instead some women may be described as a nurturing. Modern culture requires a woman to be savvy, well educated, nurturing, and self supporting. Women have fought to over come stereotype of hysteria and emotional outbursts there's no reason why a woman should be earning less than a male with her same qualifications.

Domestic violence can lead to death. About one third of the murders of women are done by their husband, boyfriend or ex partner. Researches show that male normally kills a female, when she threatens to live him. The victims of such a tragic event suffer physically and physiological wounds. Careless death is high among young people between ages' 15-24 if we educated our children on the consequences of drunk driving drugs and firearms it will reduce the percentage of deaths. Children need to learn how to resolve problems productively no in constant conflict.

The school systems are teaching our children inequality at such an early age. School of the wealthier people does have better programs and up to date technology. With such a fast pace changing world we need to educate our children as much as possible. Opening doors for their future not shutting them in their face give them same opportunity as the wealthier kids. It has been argued that it's not a money issue in schools, it's the family values. How ignorant is that? I have witnessed it for myself. While my daughter is in a public school it only provides one computer per class and school out the urban area has computers for each of the kids.

Although it would be nice to imagine a country where everyone, who needs a job has one. We all know in reality that would



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