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Impact of Cartoon on Children Developement

Essay by   •  July 31, 2017  •  Research Paper  •  3,616 Words (15 Pages)  •  2,705 Views

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Cartoons are the most viewed programs by children and also the most preferred as a mean of entertainment. Children spend long hour in watching TV and most of the time they watch cartoons. Children watch cartoon even when they eat and some parents believe that it’s easier to feed children while watching cartoon. But when watching cartoon become addiction, it is bad for children .it has negative impact on children’s both mental and physical development.childrens are get attracted towards cartoon more than traditional ways of learning and it’s because of funny content in cartoons. The absorb information from cartoons more quickly than classroom.  We know that Children’s minds are quit receptive and they can adapt to things more quickly. From the beginning of static pictures, motion pictures and animated caricatures, it has enormously affected the human mind. Especially, it has great impact on children’s mental and physical development.

The focus of my research is how children’s behaviors and attitudes undergo negative change when they watch Hindi cartoons and the impact of it on their development. In Bangladesh, in present days this is a very important issue and most of the children like to watch different Hindi cartoons, like Doremon, Motu –Patlu etc. I would like to know how those Hindi cartoons have affected children , how children’s behaviors change after watching those cartoons, whether there are any changes in their speech and  how this affect their mind, and their ways of thinking .


 It was in the 19th century that the cartoons became humorous illustrations in magazines and newspapers and from the 20th century forward, cartoons have been referred to as comic strips and animated films. A cartoon is a movie made by using animation instead of live actors, especially a humorous film intended for children (Thompson, 2010). With the rise of Television, different channels started airing cartoons. Cartoons are mostly based on fantasized stories aimed at creating an imaginative world in the viewer’s mind. The main target audience of TV channels through cartoons is children .And The main focus of this research is impact of Hindi cartoons in children’s behavior or development. Most of the children in Bangladesh are addicted to the carton Doraemon. “The story of Doraemon revolves around a robotic cat named Doraemon who travels back in time from 22nd century to help out a boy named Nobita Nobi.(Topictray,2015). For all the Nobita’s problem Doraemon has almost all the solution and Doraemon has a pocket, he produce gadgets are mostly science fiction. 

      Cartoon heroes have a great impact on children. Children always try to play the role of those heroes in the actual world, so violence and aggression viewed on those Hindi cartoons appear in the children behaviors. (Peduk,2012,p 225). As cartoons are quite away from real life hardships, children never get bored of watching cartoons. And content used in cartoons is an important factor that influence children both positively and negatively


In my research I plan to investigate the impact of Hindi cartoons on children development on people. My research will address the following research question:

  • How much time they spend on watching cartoons?
  • Is there any form of violence in the cartoons that they watch?
  • How did those cartoons affect their psychological and behavioral pattern?
  • What kinds of changes appear in their speeches?
  • How do those Hindi cartoons make children lazy?
  • Have they tried to follow the Language, gesture and idiosyncrasies of Hindi Cartoon’s?
  • How do they behave if parents don’t allow children to watch cartoons?
  • How are Hindi Cartoons exploiting children?
  • Do Hindi cartoons disrupt the learning of Bangla or English languages?


Hindi cartoons have a great impact on the mind of children. From my research I expected to find out that cartoons have negative effects on children and their behaviors. Most of the children change their language and accent after watching Hindi cartoons. I think that children get affected by Hindi cartoon characters like Doreamon, Motu patlu and start copying them in every possible way, including the way of speaking. That cartoon teaches children not to work hard. I also think that in present days children are getting addicted to those Hindi cartoons and they are not interested in any outdoor games and this is not good for a child’s mental or physical development. I expected that those Hindi Cartoons can be a source of mental abuse and that children get obsessed with animation and imitate the cartoon characters that can cause mental instability, social incompetence and attention deficit disorder in children.


For my primary research I will survey of a representative sampling of the general public in Dhaka and interview some parents who have child, who’s age between 5 to 10 and find out what significant changes parents notice in their child when they get addicted to Hindi cartoons. To the end I will design a questionnaire with different types of questions so as target range of useful data which will help me to answer my research questions.

For my secondary research I will browse the internet and use standard search engines like Google and access different online articles and journals related to my topic. Along with those resources I will use my personal thoughts and opinion.

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Of the 86 respondents, 43.7% of them think that significant changes appear in children’s language and gesture who are cartoon addicted. 40.2% respondent thinks that children try to follow their favorite cartoon character and act like them. Children try to follow whatever they see in cartoon. 11.5% respondent reported that children imitate and prone to aggressive reaction and violent behavior. 4.6% of the respondent answered that they did not notice any changes. Highest number of respondent think that significant changes appear in children’s language and gesture because children’s mind are too receptive they can adopt a thing more quickly . When children watch too much Hindi cartoon, gradually they learn Hindi language. And they try to talk in Hindi language. Some children even speak Hindi more fluently than Bangla.In Bangladesh most of the children’s favorite cartoon is Doraemon. I think Children start to watch cartoon at very young age of 2 or three and during this period children are exposed to Hindi invasion through Doraemon and at this age children learn to speak in their mother tongue. Doaermon cartoon can hinder children in learning their mother tongue. Some people think that children try to follow their cartoon character, it’s because children love to follow their favorite cartoon character. Some people think that children imitate and prone to aggressive behavior, I think it’s because most of the cartoons shows violent content. When children watch violent content they try to apply those things in real in life. When they watch fighting they have tendency to fight with other children and they become angry in simple matters. To express displeasure sometimes they break toys or other thing. People who response that they didn’t notice any changes; they may not notice children’s behavior after watching cartoon and may be they didn’t meet any cartoon addicted child.  Changes are obvious who watch too much cartoons. Hindi cartoons changes children’s behavior significantly.



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