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Essay by   •  December 25, 2010  •  743 Words (3 Pages)  •  997 Views

Essay Preview: Improvements

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Throughout my high school career writing was always something I was good at in English class. However, when it came time to write it was always something I dreaded and always put off till the last second. Writing essays was always something that intimidated me for some reason or another. The actual start of the essay has always been the hardest part of writing, but once I got started the words begin to come to my head and make it easier to write. There are many things that I have had problems with about my writing in the past and would like to correct during this course.

During high school I always seemed to receive the same kinds of comments from my English teachers. One of the comments I normally heard was that I wasn't good at connecting my paragraphs together. When I wrote, I always seemed to jump from paragraph to paragraph without transitioning. Another comment that I have received in the past was that I tend to run on with my sentences. I have been told that I keep on talking about one thing for too long of a time and don't know when to cut my sentences shorter. The last common thing that I heard from my teachers was that I repeat myself in my writing. I have heard that I will state something in the beginning of my paper then repeat the same idea later on. This is one thing I have had a problem with for many years and have not received any help on in high school. All of these comments are things that I hope to improve through this class over the next semester.

I hope that this class will help me improve my current writing abilities and help me with my approach towards writing. When I receive an assignment that involves writing or an essay I tend to procrastinate for as long as I can. I hate when I have to start writing a paper because I never know how to begin my essay. There are many aspects of writing that I find difficult; however the hardest aspect has to be getting the essay started. The anticipation of writing a long paper makes me delay the inevitable and put off writing for as long as I can. I think the easiest aspect of writing is when I have created an outline of what my paper will include and have actually begun writing the paper. At this point in writing it is very easy for me to complete a paper. All I have to do is to follow the outline and I will



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