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Indirect Terms

Essay by   •  June 5, 2011  •  520 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,239 Views

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ndirect costs represent the expenses of doing business that are not readily identified with a particular grant, contract, project function or activity, but are necessary for the general operation of the organization and the conduct of activities it performs. In theory, costs like heat, light, accounting and personnel might be charged directly if little meters could record minutes in a cross-cutting manner. Practical difficulties preclude such an approach. Therefore, cost allocation plans or indirect cost rates are used to distribute those costs to benefiting revenue sources.

Looking at it another way, indirect costs are those costs that are not classified as direct. Direct costs can be identified specifically with particular cost objectives such as a grant, contract, project, function or activity. Direct costs generally include:

Salaries are wages (including vacations, holidays, sick leave, and other excused absences of employees working specifically on objectives of a grant or contract - i.e, direct labor costs).

Other employee fringe benefits allocable on direct labor employees.

Consultant services contracted to accomplish specific grant/contract objectives.

Travel of (direct labor) employees.

Materials, supplies and equipment purchased directly for use on a specific grant or contract.

Communication costs such as long distance telephone calls or telegrams identifiable with a specific award or activity.

What is an indirect cost rate?

An indirect cost rate is simply a mechanism for determining fairly and conveniently within the boundaries of sound administrative principle, what proportions of Departmental/organization administration costs each programs should bear. An indirect cost rate represents the ratio between the total indirect costs and benefiting direct costs, after excluding and or reclassifying unallowable costs, and extraordinary or distorting expenditures. (i.e., capital expenditures and major contracts and subgrants). The indirect costs in the numerator of the equation should bear a reasonable relationship to the direct costs from the denominator. This will allow for each program or activity represented in the direct costs base to assume



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