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Integral Calculus

Essay by   •  December 11, 2015  •  Term Paper  •  3,205 Words (13 Pages)  •  1,022 Views

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To                                                                         21-05-2014

Mr. R.K. BALI,

Plant Head  

M/s Bhushan Power & Steel Limited

55, KIADB, Industrial Area, Hosakote,

Bangalore Rural 562 114.

Dear Sir,

        Through Mr. Sanjay Gowtham-  Manager HR & IR

        Sub : Wage Settlement and placing of the Charter of Demands

                w.e.f.  1-6-2014  to  31-5-2017

        Ref :  Present settlement coming to an end on 31-5-2014

You are aware of the fact that the management  and the union  has come to a common understanding before the Hon'ble Deputy Labour Commissioner on 25-5-2012 for a period of 2 years and the present understanding / settlement come to an end on  31-5-2014. From 1-6-2012 onwards all the employees  have reported for duty have performed  their duties to the utmost satisfaction of the superiors  and  the records prove the total determination, dedication of the employees made the management to achieve  the optimum production target of 3500 Tonnes per month. Thereby the management has achieved maximum profit by taking the assistance  and  able work  from the  70 and odd employees. During the course of the settlement in the year 2012, the union has assured that as per the present settlement  the wages has to be obtained and  further negotiations and further negotiations will be after 2 years only. The association has made all efforts to convince all the employees in maintaining the discipline and achieving the targeted production on every month.  The management has appreciated the union stand and extended certain benefits by mutual consent.  During the period of these two years  the employees were faced so much of financial constraints  due  increase in rent , education and  rise in prices of essential commodities . This has brought to the notice of the management time and again and the management has assured the settlement will be maximum in nature and the employees who  benefited  at a later stage. It has brought to the notice of the employees  that certain  employees on par with other  employees have been paid more than the regular work  and while discussing the management was requested the employees to do 12 hours as done by the other employees.

It is needless to mention that the working hours of any industry will be 8 hours and it is a service condition from last  29 years and the same has to be maintained  in future days also and in this connection no more discussion will be entertained by the union. The following charter of demands will be genuine in nature and the management has got every possibility of paying the demand  and the employees are also ready to work hard to fulfill the requirement of the customers. Hence this Charter of Demands.  

The union has raised an issue of back wages which is pending before  the Hon'ble Deputy Labour Commissioner and the union requested this has to be sorted out amicably along with gratuity of the persons who have superannuated, left the services and in death cases at the earliest.  

A line of reply in this regard is very much solicited and arrange for a meaningful dialogue at the earliest.  

Ref : The Present Settlment coming to end on 31-05-2014

* * *

  1. Basic wages :  The present basic wages has to be enhanced for a period of 3 years  at the rate of Rs. 9000/- (one time) and the annual increment has to be given at the rate of 10%  per year.
  2. Service Award:  Based on the service rendered by the employees an amount of Rs.100/- per completed year of service and this amount has to  be included in basic.
  3. Dearness and Variabel Dearness allowance: At present there was no Variable Dearness allowance and the union demands from 1-6-2014  the variable Dearness Allowance of Rs. 6/- per point as notified by the Government of Karnataka and the Dearness Allowance of Rs.4000/- has to be included.  
  4. House Rent Allowance :  The present House Rent Allowance has to be increased  to Rs. 2500/-  per year.
  5. Conveyance Allowance: The present system of providing the transport has to be extended and the conveyance allowance has to be given Rs. 50 per shift or Rs.1500/-  per month.
  6. Education Allowance:  During these hard days the employees are facing  the payment of fees towards Education of their wards and the emploeyes are requested to pay a sum of Rs. 15,000/- per year per child  free of cost
  7. Washing Allowance:  The present Washing Allowance has to be increased  to Rs.1800/- for a period of 3 years apart from extending the two sets of uniform and shoes and socks.  
  8. LTA: The present Leave Travel Allowance has to be increased to Rs.5000/- along with 3 days leave. The present Traveling  allowance has to be included apart from Rs. 5000/-
  9. Medical expenses : Those who have coming out of ESI Scheme a sum of Rs. 20,000/- has to be paid to the employees once in a year and in case of any employment injury the employment should be treated as on duty till he reports for duty along with all medical expenses, hospitalization etc.  and all employees has to be checked through medical facilities once in year and the cost has to be borne by the company itself. Apart from covering the employees on domiciliary scheme  the insurance coverage has to be covered to the extent of Rs. 5 lakhs to the entire family along with other insurance benefits.  
  10. Shift Allowance :  The present shift allowance has to be modified  and the following were demand as shift allowance :For 1st and 2nd Shift Rs. 100 and for nigh shift Rs.250/- along with  one pound bread and one kg of horlicks per month.  Since the 1st and 2nd shift people are getting the breakfast late they have to be  provided with one pocket of good day biscuits.
  11. Attendance Bonus : The present attendance bonus has to be modified and those employees who have attended 20 days in a month they have to be paid a sum of Rs.1000/-  per month and further those who have attended more than  20 days that has to be increased  appropriate.  
  12. Sunday Allowance: Those who have working on Sundays on any shift they have to be paid over time  by dividing the total salary by 26 days and it has to be paid in double and Rs. 50/- has  to be paid as tiffen charges along with one day leave.  
  13. Overtime Wages : Those who have working on National and              Festival Holidays or any required days on any shift they have to be paid over time  by dividing the total salary by 26 days and it has to be paid in double and Rs.50/- has  to be paid as allowance along with 1 day leave.  
  14. Outside duty : Those employees who were deputed outside Bangalore the payment has to be made as per  the requirement of the employee along with Rs. 700/-  per day.  
  15. Canteen: At present the canteen facilities not provided the union demands the free food along with break fat in all the shifts During the day a total 250 to 300 employees were  utilising the canteen facility, the  union demadns free breakfast, lunch, supper to all the  shifts.
  16. Insurance coverage: The employees who have put 20 to 30 years of service and in case of death naturally or accidentally a group insurance scheme has to be implemented for the benefit of the dependents to the tune of Rs. 10 lakhs along with pension benefits.  The medical assistance and other equivalent benefits has to be considered to the dependents of the employee.  
  17. Gift :  The employees who are completed  25 years both present and past  service and to keep the memory of establishemtn a gift of Rs. 5000/-  has to be given  to all the employees.  
  18. Loans: The employees are facing too much of financial difficulties with regard to the children education, marriage and other incidental expenses, the union  demadns a sum of Rs. 1 lakh as loan per year which has to be deducted in 36 installments with free of cost.  In  case of any employee intends to build house company has to provide a sum of Rs. 3 lakhs has to be provided with minimum interest  or the same has to be discussed with the nationalized banks and amount has to be deducted in 120 installments. The festival advance has to be paid as per  one month basic and DA to all the employees to any of the employees during that year and  the same to be deducted in 12 installments.
  19. Leave facilities :  The present sanctioning of earned leave has to be modified  to  all the employees at the rate of one day per 15 days of earned leave and the earned leave should be accumulated upto 90 days the casual leave has to be  added 5 days to the present  15 days . The sick leave has to be given at the rate of 15 days to all the employees and the accumulation should be 50 days and those employees coming out of ESI Scheme they have to be given additional 15  days of sick leave  and those employees who met with employed injury the days of non reporting to the duty has to be considered as on duty. The present national and festival holidays has to be  increased to 15 . Uniform and Shoes & Socks : At present the management has n provided the Uniform Shoes and Socks, to the employees and  the employees working in hazardous area where steel and other sharp items were put in the shop floor and they may get injury out of this and the union demands with good quality material of providing shoes, uniforms, socks not lesser than the liberty make. The issuance of jerkin and T shirt has to be provided once in  a year.
  20. Cash Award : Those employees who have not utilised any of the leaves provided  the employees has to be given a sum of Rs. 5000/-  per year apart from  encashment of all the leaves.
  21. Annual Bonus:   The association requesting the management that the payment of bonus has to be paid  on gross amount of the employees at the rate of 20% and also  20%   as ex-gratia. During the Ayudha Pooja time the bonsu has to be paid  within 30 days of the pooja and on the pooja day one kg of sweet and one kg of  mixtures has to be provided. The present issuance of Gift by increasing to 20%  from 10%  and  the amount has  to be paid   on the pooja day itself.  
  22. Promotion  The employees who are performing the duties from the last so many years  and the   service has to be considered and promotion has to be considered once in 3 years by paying  3 stages of increment in their  basic and the promotion has  to be implemented within 3 months from the commencement of the financial year.
  23. Wage Structure: The present wage system   is not upto the mark a new wage structure has to be implemented with discussion with the union.  
  24. Annual Trip:  The union demands a annual trip per year and the expenses has to be borne by the company. The trip will be covering all the employees and their family members has to be provided  for a period of 2 days in a year during the month of April or May  every year
  25. Contribution to the Union :  All the employees  are agreed that an amount of one month increase amount has  to be deducted from the settlement benefits and credited to the Bangalore Mazdoor Sangh through crossed cheque.  All employees are requested to deduct an amount of Rs. 50/-  per month from their salary and credit the same to the Bangalore Mazdoor Sangh.
  26. Ambulance and First Aid Room: The union brings  to your union notice that through out the day the employees who are working inside the factory premises and  the management has to provide full pledged ambulance van along with medical officers and staff nurses.
  27. The employees who are working in hazardous area has to be paid a sum of Rs. 50 per shift  and also those employees who have suffered  occupational diseases has  to be provided some benefits.
  28. The Celebration of Kannada Rajyotsava has to be fixed in time  and the day  will be considered as paid day  along with  Rs. 1 lakh for the celebration of Rajyotsava to the union. The present system of  following the Ramanavami, Dasara and other things will be continued without any change.  
  29. Rest Room : The employees who are facing some problems  and they have to be provided with rest rooms and to keep their belongings a locker system has to be provided along with fan and cup boards.
  30. The employees who are taken degrees and other additional educational qualifications as and when they have provided with certificate they have  to   be facilitated and necessary gifts has to be given.
  31. Providing sufficient parking space and loan to purchase the vehicle:  Those employees who are coming far away from the establishment through two wheelers and some of the employees intend to purchase vehicles the management has to discuss with the banks and  loan facility has to be extended by deducting the EMI from the salary. To keep the vehicle a proper and safety arrangement has to be made.  The providing  of mineral water has to be extended.
  32. Essential Benefits : The emploeyes who are working in Chemical Section powder quoting and electrical  and water supply were working throughout the day they have to be provided with some sort of benefits  along with  free medical insurance system.
  33. Incentive system.   The present incentive system has to be modified by discussing across the table with the union  and the modified system has to be adopted in  true spirit.
  34. Sports Activities:  Those employees who are interested in sports activities they have to be given  prominence to participate in state and national sports.  
  35. Gate Pass: In case  of emergency or any problem  those  employees  who are going out has to be issued gate pass for a period of 5 times in a month without any deduction.  
  36. Transport:  The present transport has to be modified  and extended  to all the employees in all the shifts by discussing with the union and those who have not utilised the present transport system a sum of Rs. 3000 has to be paid as transport allowance.  
  37. On duty to the Office bearers: Whenever  the Bangalore Mazdoor or Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh has arranged any of the programmes  they have  to be given permission to all the office bearers 2 days in a month with official duty.
  38.  Regularisation of daily wages employees:  The employees who are around 100 -150 were working from the last 2 years  and they are directly involved in the production system they have to be considered as regular employees and this is demand from the union.  The employees who are not covered under statutory provisions of ESI, PF and leave wages etc.  from last 2 years and the same has to be extended to all the employees with immediate effect, failing which the issue will be taken up with the concerned authorities.  P.F Contribution:  At present the  management has deducting the PF Contributions at the rate of 6500 per month and the union demands to deduct  the PF contribution on total basic and DA every month and credit to the PF authorities as per provisions of law.

The Association has got every right and liberty to modify, alter according to  circumstances  by adding some of the points or removing some of the points during the  course of negotiations.  The present benefits which are in existence has not been altered and it will remain continue during the course of the settlement .  The association requests your goodself to call for  meaningful  dialogue with prior appointment with the president along with office bearers.  



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