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Intelligence Condionment

Essay by   •  October 28, 2010  •  610 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,454 Views

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Intelligence is most crucial when one is at there most vulnerable and primal state. One must adapt too the circumstance one must become one with there surroundings. Now there is I.Q, book smarts, intelligence is common sense and making the right decisions especially when one is forced too decide. Intelligence is conditioned in everyone, even if one does not see it. Genetics play a key role, which is proven in J Philippe Rushtons study of the three race classes. One can use conditoning as a means of intelligence and this is proven in smiths and Walters case study on operant conditioning. Which showed the progress conditoning can make, and the increase of intelligence it revels. One also conditioning themselves in a non-positive manner such as superstitons and jinxes and the conditionment of fear. This brings upon the mater of genetics in intelligence.

There is much controversy too the fact of superiority of intelligence in different races now, this was taken up by a man named J Philippe Rushton at the University of Western Ontario, he believed that human life originated in Africa. The Africans moved away form the equator and encountered a colder more demanding lifestyle thus making there intelligence increase form that of normal Africans. The Mongolians lead the pack followed by Caucasian, which leads too the point of intelligence being created for the reason of adaptation, which created different strategies too reproduction and lifestyle. Which would lead one too a man named B.F Skinner who studied at Harvard university and came up with a theory of a certain kind of behaviorism this being reward and punishment.

Human Behavior can be improved thus by a result of operant Conditioning the man that was previously mentioned believed that if a reward/punishment system one would get positive intelligent results as long as the reward was impending. Mr. Skinner referred Rewards as Positive Reinforcement, and Punishments where called Negative Reinforcements. These entitled responses much like that in a small child who is given a reward, and would come too the realization



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