International Management
Essay by maerii • April 8, 2018 • Study Guide • 1,251 Words (6 Pages) • 973 Views
Chapter 1 Globalization
- Globalization refers to the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy.
- World is moving away from self-contained national economies toward an interdependent, integrated global economic system
o Barriers to cross-border trade and investment are declining.
o Perceived distance is shrinking due to advances in transportation and telecommunications technology.
o Material culture is starting to look similar over the world.
o National economies are merging into an interdependent and integrated global economic system.
What is The Globalization of Markets?
- Separate national markets are merging
- It no longer makes sense to talk about the “Singapore market” or the “American market” θ Instead, there is the “global market”
- Falling trade barriers make it easier to sell globally
- Consumers’ tastes and preferences are converging on some global norm
- Firms promote the trend by offering the same basic products worldwide
- The most global markets currently are not markets for consumer products.
- National differences in tastes and preferences are still often important enough to act as a brake on globalization. θ But markets for industrial goods and materials that serve a universal need the world over. o Oil, aluminum, wheat, microprocessors, DRAMs, commercial jet aircraft, computer software and financial assets from U.S. Treasury bills to eurobonds and futures on the Nikkei Index.
What Is The Globalization of Production?
- The sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to capitalize on national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production like land, labor, and capital.
- Companies can - Lower their overall cost structure.
-Improve the quality or functionality of their product offering
Why Do We Need Global Institutions?
- Institutions
o Help manage, regulate, and police the global marketplace.
o Promote the establishment of multinational treaties to govern the global business system.
- E.g. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
♣ The World Trade Organization (WTO)
♣ The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
♣ The World Bank
♣ The United Nations (UN)
What Do Global Institutions Do?
- The World Trade Organization (former GATT)
o Polices the world trading system
o Makes sure that nation-states adhere to the rules laid down in trade treaties
o Promotes lower barriers to trade and investment
- The International Monetary Fund (1944) maintains order in the international monetary system
- The World Bank (1944) promotes economic development θ
- The United Nations (1945)
o Maintains international peace and security
o Develops friendly relations among nations
o Cooperates in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights
o Is a center for harmonizing the actions of nations
What Is Driving Globalization?
- The decline in barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and capital that has occurred since the end of World War II
♣ Since 1950, average tariffs have fallen significantly
♣ Countries have opened their markets to FDI
- Technological change
♣ Microprocessors and telecommunications: PC
♣ The Internet and World Wide Web:
♣ Transportation technology : Sears, Roebuck & Co.
What Does Globalization Mean For Firms?
- Lower barriers to trade and investment mean firms can
o View the world, rather than a single country, as their market
o Base production in the optimal location for that activity
- Technological change means
♣ lower transportation costs - firms can disperse production to economical, geographically separate locations • help create global markets ◊ Jet aircraft and containerization
♣ lower information processing and communication costs - firms can create and manage globally dispersed production and distribution systems
♣ Dell uses the internet for global coordination and control.
♣ Low cost global communications networks - help create an electronic global marketplace: global e-commerce.
♣ Can create a worldwide culture, and a global market for consumer products
The Changing Demographics Of The Global Economy
Four trends are important:
♣ The Changing World Output and World Trade Picture
♣ The Changing Foreign Direct Investment Picture
♣ The Changing Nature of the Multinational Enterprise
♣ The Changing World Order
How Has World Output And World Trade Changed?
- By 2008, the United States accounted for just over 20% of world economic activity
- The share of world output accounted for by developing nations is rising and is expected to account for more than 60% of world economic activity by 2020
How Has Foreign Direct Investment Changed Over Time?
- Today, the United States accounts for less than one-fifth of worldwide FDI flows
- In contrast, the share of FDI accounted for by developing countries has risen θ Developing countries, especially China, have also become popular destinations for FDI
What Is A Multinational Enterprise?
- A multinational enterprise (MNE) is any business that has productive activities in two or more countries
Is An Interdependent Global Economy A Good Thing?
- Supporters believe that increased trade and crossborder investment mean
♣ Lower prices of goods and services to consumers
♣ Greater economic growth
♣ Higher consumer income, and more jobs
- Critics worry that globalization will cause
-Job losses
♣ Environmental degradation
♣ The cultural imperialism of MNEs
How Does Globalization Affect Jobs And Income?
- Critics argue that falling barriers to trade are destroying manufacturing jobs in advanced countries
♣ Shortage of skilled labor vs. Excess unskilled labor
♣ Technology-induced shift vs. Shift to overseas
- Supporters contend that the benefits of this trend outweigh the costs
♣ Countries will specialize in what they do most efficiently and trade for other goods—and all countries will benefit