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Submitted by: Nick Sebastian C. Monsanto – Grade 11 – Humss B

Submitted to:  Mrs. Lady Dary A. Berbon


        Nowadays, Internet became one of our daily needs because people use internet to do business activities, gain some knowledge and also to socialize with others. This internet might seem intimidating at first as it involves with many global communication networks and billions of website that may put risks for users such as children. Education today is becoming more dependent on the internet rather than using books only. From this point of view, did the children become smarter because of the internet in supporting a more advance, convenient and accurate approach of education?

        According to Otto Maldonado (2012), “These days a lot of children by the age of two years old will know how to go on the internet, work a cell phone and know how to play video games. Technology is getting more advanced and children are getting smarter. Children may learn more on the internet but there are some problem that might put a hazard to the lives of children like cybersex, cybercrimes, pornography and viruses. What’s unique about the internet as compared with traditional ways of developing academic performance skills is that its more of a fun environment, it just depend how you use it but being smart and socialized at the same time is really important as you get older.”

        The internet provides children with various reliable sources for their researches and academic work. The internet provides a broad range of study materials from scholars which are very significant in enhancing the knowledge of the children. This encourages children to invest much of their time in researching and analyzing other people’s work. There are endless and reliable information offered to children through the use of internet. It is for this reason that most people believe that; generally, internet is assisting children to become smarter.

However, the internet offers children with various social media such as Face book, twitter, whatsapp, and you tube which are so tempting and often interrupts children concentration when doing their research over the internet. Children tend to spent much of their study time on these social media, and thus having less time to concentrate on their academics work. Children ends been addictive to these social media which not only negatively affects their academics but also distorts their mental development. In fact, most young promising children have ended up been failures in life due to addition to social media offered by internet.

Additionally, since anybody can post whatever he or she feels like, most of the information provided in the internet is distorted and unreliable. As a result, children who do not go deep into analyzing and comparing various works by different individuals might end up acquiring wrong or distorted information.

The over reliance on internet has made most children become too lazy with their homework. Instead of most children use the internet to get the answers for their homework. However, although they end up performing very well in their homework, when they are given tests they fail severely. Though internet very significant in the modern world, it is very destructive on children development, and thus does not help children to become smarter.

Statement of the Problem

        This study aims to investigate and gather some facts on the advantagesand disadvantages of the usage of internet for the youth and the effects of it on the educational and social aspects of the user.

The profile of the respondents based on:

  1. Age
  2. Sex
  3. Civil Status
  4. Educational Attainment

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet to children?

  1.  The effects of using the internet on children are based on the:
  1. Social Aspects
  2. Educational  Aspects
  3. Moral  Aspects
  1. What is the significance of the internet in socialization and enhancement of education?
  1. What factors are we going to consider to know if usage of internet to children has effects?
  1. Based on the findings what recommendations can be made to know the advantages and disadvantages to children using the internet?


 Angus said, It is necessary to consider the socializing potential of Internet, which is indeed huge and impressive in the present context. The Internet is the electronic platform which offers instant communication and socializing tools like emails, chat services, video streaming and more importantly, social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, myspace, Orkut, linkedin and so on. Through the deployment of these networking sites, it is possible to catch up with current friends and also make new ones. Although the internet offers immense scope for socializing, is it necessary that people, or even children who use frequently internet for socializing purposes become more socialized in their outlooks and perspectives? This is the major question that needs to be explored in this paper. ( Manton Angus 2014)

According to Packard, We had the same question for television decades ago, but I think the Internet is more important than television because it's interactive," says Jackson. "It's 24/7 and it's ubiquitous in young people's lives."The positive effects of Internet use appear especially pronounced among poor children, say researchers. Unfortunately, these children are also the least likely to have home computers, which some experts say may put them at a disadvantage.  "The interesting twist here is that the very children who are most likely to benefit from home Internet access are the ones least likely to have it," says Jackson. "It's a classic digital divide issue." ( Erika Packard 2010)

 Based on a study of Shimizu, These days most of people who include young and old people use the internet everyday. Even thought the mobile phones have also the function of the internet. People say “It is evolution of technology with it industry”. But the time goes and goes, they also find some weak point. Especially, the children are very fast to adapt to their atmosphere. Using the internet is good to children or not?        First of all schools have embraced the digital age and new technologies, including laptop computes, replacing printed books with e-books, making students use the internet to carry out research. Indeed, is it useful and helpful to children?



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