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Investigate one of the Recent Marketing Campaigns - Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival

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Essay Preview: Investigate one of the Recent Marketing Campaigns - Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival

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School of Continuing and Professional Education

City University of Hong Kong

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BA / BA (Hons) Marketing Management



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Module Name & Code:  

MKT08904 Marketing Research & Communications (MRC)

Assignment Title (If applicable):

Wine and Dine Festival 2016


 Mr. Alfred Lo and Dr. Paul Chan

Student Name (FULL Name):

Lai Wai Yin

Napier Matriculation No.:


CityU Student No.:


Word Counted:

Submission Date:

29th Nov, 2016

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 4

2. HKTB Background4

3. Wine and Dine Festival4-5

4. Objectives5

 4.1 Direct Objectives5

 4.2 Indirect Objectives5

5. Target audiences 6

6. Push, Pull and Profile Strategy 7

6.1 Push Strategy 7

 6.2 Pull Strategy 7-8

6.3 Profile Strategy 8

7. Communications tools8

7.1 Advertising 8-9

7.2 Public relation 9-11

8. Evaluate the effectiveness of communication tools11

8.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of Advertising11-13

8.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of Public Relation 13-14

9. Conclusion 14

10. References15


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Figure 1

1. Introduction

The aim of this assignment is to investigate one of the recent marketing campaigns- Hong Kong Wine and Dine Festival that held by Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB). This assignment will examine how they process the communicate message between the stakeholders and customer. Besides, will observe how HKTB arrange their strategy by using two communication tools: Advertising & Public Relation tools and 3 P’s strategies to convey the message to the audience. Afterward, the assignment will evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and public relationship tools by the qualitative and quantitative method.

2. HKTB Background

The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) established in 2001, and the primary duty is to promote Hong Kong as an international city in Asia in order to be the desirable option for the tourist destination globally. The compaign was held by HKTB and mainly sponsored by Hong Kong government. Each year, HKTB present its work plan for the year ahead by evaluating the macro environment and the tourism policy of Hong Kong.

3. Wine and Dine Campaign 2016

The Annual HKTB's The CCB (Asia) Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival is the largest outdoor food and wine event in Hong Kong held from 27th to 30th October 2016 at Central Harbourfront Event space. Wine & Dine festival of this year had more than 410 booths of wine and food fair and new cheese District; fine dining presence states red ochracea feature handmade beer, wine, whiskey. Drink and party theme area and discovery zone provided more Hong Kong exotic cocktails to make 2016 Wine & dine more diversified.

4. Objectives

4.1 Direct Objective

Increase 10% exhibitors and attendances

Due the attendance of the Wine & Dine Festival has reached up to 144,000 people to join the event last year. This year the campaign is even the biggest scale than ever, HKTB believe that it could encourage the passionate exhibitors to adhere to the event. Despite putting a lot of effort on promoting in Hong Kong and overseas to reinforce the participants, HKTB also integrated more innovative area such as, “a Master Chef Dinner” and “Cheese Area” to make the event more diversified and to increase the rates of customer acquisition. HKTB promises to offer participants an exceptional tasting experience with more food and wine varieties to attract more exhibitors and attendance.

4.2 Indirect Objective

Develop wine appreciation culture

HKTB's Wine and Dine Festival aim for develop wine appreciation culture of Hong Kong and improve the knowledge about the wine recognition between Hong Kong citizens, restaurants and tourists. Visitors and buyers could take the chance to connect with the exhibitors about their products so as to increase knowledge of wine and beverage.

 Increase Awareness and Image of Hong Kong

Apart from attracting the visitors to participate the event, HKTB also aims for build up the image of Hong Kong as a wine and gourmet center in Asia through this event. Promoting this event not only helps to increase tourists’ attention visiting Hong Kong and considers Hong Kong as one of the various desired destinations. It is also expected to attract more worldwide tourist and consumers in Hong Kong for fine wines and thus, encourage the economic development of Hong Kong.

5. Target audiences

A target audience can be a group of people in a particular generation, gender, or marital status. "Identification of the need to communicate with several parties and the requirement of that different information is the central part of the heart of marketing communications (Fill and Jamieson, 2011, pp.6)." Hence, clarify the target audiences is the essential element to archive successful campaign.

General Public

The General Public is the primary audience of the Wine & Dine Festival as it is a mega food and wine event that opened to the public in Hong Kong. The Tourism Platform was rated this event be one of the top ten food and wine events of the year in the world and have attracted numerous overseas media visited Hong Kong to report on the Event (Hong Kong Tourism Board, 2016). Most of the residents are willing to join this event due to the previous experience and reputation. The event reported by different types of media worldwide will increase more visitors’ intention to participate next year and also develop the image of Hong Kong as a various travel destination



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