Investigation, Inquiries and Immersion
Essay by Mary Rose Fabian • March 10, 2018 • Exam • 2,161 Words (9 Pages) • 1,947 Views
Investigation, Inquiries and Immersion
- the beginning of the main text or body of the research.
A. Introduction
* must create impact, interest, enthusiasm on the part of the reader.
* motivates the reader.
* must be objective and scientific.
* use, simple, scientific words/ avoid using flowery and emotional words.
* allows researchers own opinion but should be stated by facts, records, documents, statement from persons with authority.
* 2-3 pages long
[pic 1]
B. Background of the Study
* historical background of the problem
* discussing factors that led to the conceptualization of the problem.
C. Statement of the Problem
* should be clear, specific and simply stated.
* general statement followed by specific questions of the problem.
[pic 2]
- significance
- feasibility
Content of Statement of the Problem:[pic 3]
Level I. Factor Isolating - descriptive
II. Factor Relating - correlational
III. Situation Relating - experimental[pic 4][pic 5]
D. Significance of the Study
-purpose and objective - overall goals and specific aim
- beneficials (group,person,government)
- explain who will benefit to the study and how would it be beneficial to them.
E. Scope and Limitation
- extent, who, when and where.
-Delimitation - destriction[pic 6][pic 7]
E. Definition of Terms[pic 8]
- review of Related Literature
- part of the research paper which includes literature, studies and related theories.
- must be organized, identify the areas of controversy and formulate question
2 Kinds of RRL
a. Data based literature - research literature/ documented previous studies/ thesis
b. Conceptual Literature - non-research literature, audio tapes, records, books and journals.
Ways of presenting Literature:
a) quotation - exact words from the author
* DIRECT - “…..”
* INDIRECT - as cited, according to.
b) paraphrase - restates
c) summary - condensed form
d) evaluation - own opinion, ideas, agreement and disagreement.
Certain Considerations in Selecting RRL and Studies
1. The materials must be as recent as possible
2. Materials must be objective
3. Selected RL and studies must be relevant as possible.
Proper Citation:
a. Single Author (Fabian, 2017)
b. Different Author ( Fabian & Domingo, 2015)
- educated, intelligent and wise guess
- predict the outcome of the study
- enables the researcher formulate questions
- a decision is made [pic 9][pic 10][pic 11]
Types of Hypothesis
- Null - statistical/ no relationship
B. Alternative - shows significant relationship
2 Kinds of Variables
- Independent - cause/ manipulate
B. Dependent - effect/ affected
Categories of Variable
- Numerical
* discrete - fixed
* continuous - arise measurement - Categorize
a. Nominal - to name/classify
ex. Religion: catholic
b. Ordinal - ranking/ order
ex. Officer- president
c. Interval - ex. every six hours
d. Ratio - always start with 0/ length
ex. Salary,age,height
2 types of Framework
- Theoretical - is a symbolic construction which uses abstract concepts, facts,variables and their relation that explains and observe phenomenon operation.
- Conceptual - main thrust of the study and serves as the guide in conducting study.
The Research Methodology
- a.k. a as Design and Planning
- blue print is Research Design
- explain how the study was conducted
- describes the respondents of the study, research locale and research instrument
- how the data were gathered and treated statistically or data analysis
- describe the research design
-proposal is written in Future tense
I. 3 Basic Research Designs[pic 12]
- Descriptive - events are recorded, described, analyzed, interpreted and compared.
- includes observation, test, questionnaires, surveys, interviews and case studies.
- cor-relational research is used. - Historical - past events are studied and related in future time.
- purpose: to reconstruct the past objectively and accurately. - Experimental - cause and effect relationship a treatment on a variable is determined.
c. 2. True Experimental Design - objective is to investigate possible cause and effect relationship among the variables under study.
C. 1. Quasi- Experimental Design - similar to T.E.D but different in some features.
- can’t be manipulate.
II. Respondents of the Study
- the researcher must be explain how and where the subjects will be selected.
- brief description at the respondent is presented and how they will be selected
Place where the respondents will be selected. Number of chosen respondents.
Type of Respondents
III. Research Locale
- the place/institution where the study will be conducted should be well discussed.
The institution’s place
Brief founding history
Mission, Vision, objectives that fit into the objectives of the study should be well- emphasized.