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Is Graffiti Art or Vadalism?

Essay by   •  April 15, 2017  •  Essay  •  1,458 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,951 Views

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Is Graffiti art or vandalism?

There is a certain beauty to graffiti, with all the colors and the big variety of  different styles of letters. There has been a debate about graffiti ever since the caveman days.  Although graffiti is illegal and is considered vandalism by the law, some people considered it art because, it is a way  people can express themselves and let their voices be heard.     

Graffiti can be used as artistic expression, or a form of communication, but many people consider it to be vandalism. “Because it occurs in public, graffiti is a way for a wide range of people that might not typically interact with one another, to freely and directly communicate with one another” (Conklin). It is considered a form of communication for many people who feel they are not heard. Many graffiti protests have transpired throughout social history.  It is the only way some people communicate dissenting messages to the public. Both form of communication can bring powerful messages to the public through political commentary, and making an impact on civic consciousness. “Graffiti is a way under-served parts of society can gain power and value though  communicate and presence into space where they are otherwise not allowed or welcomed” (Conklin).  Graffiti challenges “ free speech zones”, pushing the boundaries of what is allowed and not allowed. Graffiti is considered a form of communication in the form of images that are put on buildings without permission. Graffiti can give humans  a voice for places they can not go or are not allowed. That is how some people might communicate to let their voices be heard, while other think it is vandalism.

In public art and street art there really is no difference. If graffiti is considered vandalism then why should not public art be considered vandalism as well. “Street art is considered rebellious in nature and illegal in practice, while public art is commissioned by cities or property owners and is considered culturally enriching and socially acceptable”(Imam).  Street art is both illegal and is not accepted in society. While public art is culturally and socially acknowledged. They are both made in the street and they are both written on walls. Graffiti has been around many years. Graffiti is been one of the largest art trends to last. Cave painting can be considered graffiti as well. Graffiti technique can be viewed as pricey art. Graffiti has gained popularity and has become socially acceptable such as commercial graffiti. In commercial graffiti street artist get hired to create graffiti based on advertisements in cities such as London, New York, Atlanta and Paris. “A school teacher in Montessori sees himself as a public artist. People around the city call him a street artist because of his use of spray painting” (Imam ).  Many people who are street artists or public artists don't consider themselves as street artist.  Many artist hesitate to call themselves a street artist or a graffiti artist. Graffiti artist are socially or politically driven, it can even be drive by almost communal pride. People's attitude towards graffiti is extremely different, they hate tags but they want the murals. Many do not realize that they are all connected and related; their is no murals without tagging. Elaborate beautiful murals on random or local public walls is where graffiti is mostly found. Their is no difference in public art and street art. They are all connected and related to each other.

Thought our our history many different styles to graffiti have been created. Their a merals, tagging and more. Graffiti can be considered art as well, if graffiti artist are tagging then that is considered vandalism. If it is a meral and it points out a message then it is considered art. “ Distinction between simple tags and more complicated pieces, stating that tags have little aesthetic appeal and probably should not be considered art. However, larger pieces require planning and imagination and contain artistic elements like color and composition”(Stowers). Graffiti has many different types of styles. Some pieces can be complicated while others like tagging are simple. Tagging is one form of graffiti anyone can do it. Than their is wildstyle graffiti. Wild Style changes with each artist's view of the alphabet. Also wildstyle relies on the fading, foreground and background color. Each graffiti peice that is creating a states a statement or a saying.“ Tags scribbled on subway trains to a complex mural on a billboard are movements that graffiti has experienced change in style. Like all other forms of art” (Stowers).  Tagging should be considered vandalism. Writing your name on the wall is not a piece of art. A five year old child can do that.The definition of art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture.Graffiti is  visualized, it is a way for the artists to express themselves.

Graffiti to some people can be always considered vandalism. It is something they do not understand, so they dislike it. “That graffiti signaled that informal social controls and law enforcement had broken down in New York’s public



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