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Jamil Sharify

Essay by   •  December 30, 2010  •  2,717 Words (11 Pages)  •  1,772 Views

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In the name of Allah

My self


I want to introduce myself and talk something

briefly about my family about life and background

and economy and so on, I am Abdul Jamil Sharify

from Afghanistan a province called parwan which

is located in north of Afghanistan and which is a

green province and has different kinds of fruits

and vegetables and I want to add that we came

to Kabul to capital city when the country specially the province was intervened by soviet union and about 25 years we are living in Kabul.

Any way, I am Abdul Jamil Sharify usually Islamic names some times starts with ABDUL or MOHAMMAD but it is not the first or real name of a person to be called by that particular name actually my name is JAMIL which means hand some and SHARIFY is my sure name, I was born in1987 in Kabul city and now I am 20 years old and I can tell you about my life that my father's name is SHARAFUDDIN he was a driver now he is retired and he is at home with the family I have three brothers and two sisters , my first brother studied poly technique engineering faculty of Kabul he has his master degree in that particular course and he got married about 12 years ago and right now he has 4 children their names are Zuhra, Rukhsar, Elham and Maryam , three daughters and one son whom are 11, 8, 5 and 2 years old Zuhra is in 4th year of school Rukhsar is in 2nd of school, he came to Delhi for one month training and now he is in Kunduz northern province, his wife is an officer in the ministry of Public affairs of Islamic republic of Afghanistan

But nowadays she does not work because she has to take care of the children thus she is a house wife.

My second brother studied telecommunication professional college and he came to Lacknow for training for one month the year 2003. he is married as well and has two children Ubid, and Sami, both of them are boys and they are about 4 and 2 years old, he is Bamyan central province working in Afghan telecom Company (CDMA), his wife is my uncle's daughter and she was living in Baghlan northern province of Afghanistan, after getting married she came to Kabul she is at home helping Mom and Dad and the third one is single he is in Herat southern province of Afghanistan and he studied the faculty of agriculture of Kabul international university

My first sister is married she has 5 children three sons and two daughters they are Bashir 12, Fatema 9, Ziaurahman 5, Jamila 3, Fawad 1 years old.

Bashir is in fourth year of school, Fatema is in second year of school my second sister is still in school.

Studied in a school which was called Azad khan and after I finished school I mean when I was graduated I attend the interest exam of the university actually I wanted to study law but I don't know to say fortunately or unfortunately I succeed to

faculty of Economics and I studied the their about one month then I came to India to study something the same like economics that I found BBA which will take me trough the various aspects of life and I am very happy I could get the chance to study in India.

When I was a child I used to ask my father where India is how is it look like he would have told me about and I want to add that we had good life living all family together then when Taliban came to Kabul our economic situation was getting worse day by day when Taliban regime fell down I was in 8year of school and I would usually ask my mother "if I finish school then if I could not succeed to any faculty I should I do" she would have told me God is grace, and as you know in Afghanistan education is free up to Bachelor degree "I would had ask her unless I get success I will a person without higher education" she would encourage me again and again.

Until the last day I was flying to Delhi (IGI) airport she told me I was praying for you and I am praying for you and I will pray for you go God bless you came to the airport terminal she was looking at me and crying that day I understood what mother and father (parents) are and how they should be treated my sisters my brothers my nephews my nieces thus I can say that it itself was a lesson for me.


I studied the primary school in

Tahe Maskan high school I was

the third position their I was a

person who studied too much

and I liked studying then when

I was in second year of my school

when Taliban entered Kabul they

prohibited the women to work or to

go schools and they had very bad rules that no one could accept such rules and regulations so it was a bad memory not only for me but also for all afghan people living under Taliban Government.

Then I was in the 7th class when Taliban collapsed and during the period that America was Bombing Kabul city we had our last examinations with fear we go to school and give the exams and that was the time that we were living so far from school I was studying in.

Then when they fell down I was in 8th class and a very fantastic memory for afghan people I studied for some times then we were shift to Azad Khan high school until 12th class and when I was graduated I was the first position so we passed an exam of English language the people whom passed the exam were introduced to different states.


 School

o The fist year I got the third position when I went home my mother give me a gift then came to know that I should study more and more to get not only a gift of my mother but also my father's and teachers' classmates and relatives.

o At secondary level I was the first position at 10th class when I become the first position I mean got the first grade I was highly appreciated by the all family members but unfortunately I fell in live with some one and I lost the grade again , there was a friend of mine Faisal he encouraged to study to get the grade again that now I am in favor of him I could soon get the position again in the 11th class again and when we graduated I



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