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Jesus And Mohammad

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Jesus and Mohammad a Comparison

Tracing the lives of Jesus and Mohammed historically

Jesus was born in Bethlehem BCE 4 to Mary who was at that time a virgin. (Living Religions, Sixth Edition, by Mary Pat Fisher. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright Ð'© 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.,p 295) (Luke 1:26вЂ"38). Jesus was raised in the town of Nazareth in Galilee. Other than a journey to Egypt when he was an infant and a trip to Tyre and Sidon, all of Jesus' life was spent in Israel. Mary and her husband Joseph returned to Nazareth after the death of Herod to avoid living under the rule of Archelaus, Herod's son. Baptized at about age 30 Jesus worked either as a carpenter or as a builder and most likely with his father. (Mark 6:3, Matthew 13:55)

Jesus started his life's mission after the baptism by John the Baptist. A scant three years later the Roman rulers executed him at the request of the Sanhedrin (supreme Jewish court made up of chief priests, elders, and law teachers). Crucified as a criminal he was laid to rest in a borrowed tomb and arose to walk among his followers three days later. (Luke 24) After visiting with his followers and moving around town so the people could see him and recognize him; Jesus ascended to God his Father and charged his followers to "Go unto all the world and preach the Gospel"

His birth is the reference point from which all peoples, Christian and non-Christian count time. Jesus has more followers than any other religion in the world.


Mohammed was born about 570 CE,( in Mecca, Arabia) and grew to be called a new prophet. Mohammed, is considered by Muslims to be a prophet of Allah and tasked with the restoration of the true uncorrupted monotheistic faith. The same faith as those of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah and others.

Mohammed wore many roles while alive, he was active as a diplomat, merchant, philosopher, orator, legislator, general, reformer, and, according to Muslims a holy messenger from Allah. Orphaned at a young age, Mohammed was raised by an uncle. As a young man he worked as a merchant and married, probably before his twenty-sixth birthday.

Mohammed left the life in Mecca and went to live in a cave in the mountains. With the intent to meditate and reflect, he was living there at about the age of 40, when he received his first revelation from God. This occurred during the month of Ramadan. Three years later Mohammad started his preaching. Proclaiming that "God is One" and that Islam (Surrender) is the only action acceptable to Allah. He preached that he was a prophet and a messenger of God. His few early followers and himself were harassed until they went to Medina (Yathrib) about 622 to escap the persacution. In recollection of this historic event, the Hijra, the Islamic calendar starts the year with this date. While in Medina, under the general-ship of Mohammad his followers united the warring tribes. But it took eight years of fighting to accomplish the union. His followers grew to ten thousand during this time and they returned and conquered Mecca. In 632 Mohammad died. By this time most of the Arabian Peninsula had converted to Islam.(Fisher, 2005)

Compare what impact the death of each person had on his respective religion

It was his death and resurrection that turned defeat into victory for Jesus, and discouragement into powerful action for his followers. As the impact of all they had seen set in, the followers came to believe that Jesus had been God present in a human life, walking among them. (Fisher, 2005, p. 302)

After Mohammad’s death, resentments over the issue of his succession began to divide the unity of the Muslim community into factions. The two main opposing groups have come to be known as the Sunni, who now comprise about eighty percent of all Muslims worldwide, and the Shi’a (adj. Shi�ite). With Mohammad's death, disagreement broke out over who would succeed him as leader of the Muslim community Umar ibn al-Khattab, a prominent companion of Mohammad, nominated Abu Bakr, who was Mohammad's friend and collaborator. Others added their support and Abu Bakr was made the first caliph. This choice was disputed by some of Mohammad's companions, who held that Ali ibn Abi Talib, his cousin and son-in-law, had been designated his successor. Abu Bakr's immediate task was to make an expedition against the Byzantine (or Eastern Roman Empire) forces because of the previous defeat, although he first had to put down a rebellion by Arab tribes in an episode called by later Muslim historians as the Ridda wars, or "Wars of Apostasy".

Describe the ways each individual was/is worshipped

Worship of Jesus is divided into two main camps. The Catholic camp and the Protestant camp both worship Jesus as the Christ the son of the living God. The Catholic camp follows the one human authority designated as the Pope who speaks 'ex cathedra' (with papal infallibility). Most Protestants follow the spiritual guide (the Holy Ghost) sent to the aposiles and given to all belivers. Catholics pray to Mary, Jesus's mother, Protestants pray to God the Father through Jesus the son. Catholics believe that some objects are holy, "crucifixs, rosarys, some swords, manuscripts', most protestants believe that only God the father is holy.

Christians in general believe that Sunday is the first day of the week and worship on that day. Except for those who worship on Saturday, calling it the Sabbith or the seventh day of the week, the one that God rested on after creating the universe.

Sunday worship includes, assembly, preaching or reading the bible, singing, praying, and taking communion. Preaching is from the Old and New Testements of the Bible and includes instructions for life with encouragement to lead a better life. Singing varies considerable among the various versions of Christianity. Some groups use musical instriments, some just sing a cappella, some use multimedia and popular music. (e.g. many Churches of Christ object to the use of instruments in worship) Songs are generally praise for god, thankfulness for gifts from God Prayers are for thanksgiving, confession, and intercession. Communion is eating consecrated meal of unleavened bread and wine or grape juice in commemoration of the ritual set up by Jesus just before his death.

(While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body."

Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, "Drink from



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