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Essay by   •  May 22, 2011  •  565 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,314 Views

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August 8, xx08

They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but I think it is more appropriate when you are talking about someone rather than a book. The eyes, the nose, the cheeks, the face, the hair; all these things tell us much and at the same time so little about a person. Her chocolate brown eyes, so soft and soothing reveal a sense of calm about her, almost as if a soft serene breeze of wind and then on to her petite nose giving her an innocent and adorable character. Her light pink cheeks complete the look of pre serenity makes any man crave to feel them. Her long raven locks of hair flowing down, almost as if a blanket protecting her from everything around her. All these small parts of a whole that is her appearance makes us believe of her a character calm, soothing and serene that which portrays innocence and a feeling of endearing.

However a going back to judging a book by its cover, her words reveal about her another side, one which appearance alone failed to portray. Her use of impetuous and harsh words when angered, throws off the serene look she wears even when angry. The way she can continue to string together words after word becoming more callous with every new word, fails to be portrayed by the smile she wears. Her ability to make the worst of a good situation and the best of a bad situation can't be explained by the pure look of innocence her aura radiates.

August 15, xx08

Tonight I will resume my thoughts of this woman an enigma is her own right. Although her appearance does no justice to her words, it does reveal almost everything about her actions. The same calmness can be seen in the way her hands always stay by her side when she speaks. Her serenity so clearly portrayed by the way she manages to sit in the middle and yet remain unnoticed and then there is her ability to be angry



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