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Journey Of A Mujahid

Essay by   •  December 17, 2012  •  339 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,529 Views

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Shoukat Hussain S/O Syed Md Hussain R/o Nowgow , bandipura never thought his life would go a metamorphosis change when he exfilterated to POK in Aug 1991. He was indoctrinated to believe that he was to fight for Allah and attain Jannat after his death while carrying out Jehad.

After 5 days of difficult trek they reached POK . There he joined SLF (Student Liberation Front ) a trt outfit operational those days. He trained at Dani Camp near Muzzafarabad for almost two months wherein he realized the futility and hypocrisy of the whole thing. He realized that they wanted him to act against the preaching of Islam. In an attempt to escape from there he made a fake passport and fled to Iran.

He spent eighteen years in Iran and studied Islam and even did PhD in Islamic studies. The long separation from his family members and experiencing nostalgic for his homeland he infiltrated back to Srinagar via Nepal border.

On his return he was apprehended in a joint operation by 13 RR and Jammu & Kashmir police on 20th July 2011. He spent 2 months in Srinagar jail. He was subsequently released by Govt under New Rehabilitation Pgme.

Shoukat Hussain slowly picked up the lost threads of life and returned to normalcy to join the main stream in his country. Whenever he thinks of the past and the day when he had decided to join militancy it sends shivers down his spine. He still regrets the years he wasted away from his homeland and family members. His family members feel grateful to the Govt who helped him to rehabilitate again .

On asking him about any message to his young brethrens his response is that they should lift pens instead of guns to build a secure and strong homeland for all. Presently Shoukat Hussain lives peacefully with his wife and children at his village and at times guide the youths to follow the righteous and upright path.



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