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Joy of Writing in an office

Essay by   •  September 16, 2016  •  Essay  •  2,212 Words (9 Pages)  •  1,147 Views

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The study of this particular topic aimed to connect the top leaders and managers with corporate organizational culture in the financial industry. The role of management is extremely essential to robust infrastructure and development of organizational culture in financial institutions. There is a profound connection between quality performance and management style as the latter plays a critical role in delivering positive results that are expected and required by financial institutions. Management strategies are the key factors for organizational success. They must connect and align all parts of organizations to achieve quality performance as well as strengthen and develop corporate culture. Many contemporary institutions neglect the fact that corporate culture involvement is significant to the overall organizational development and growth. Financial institutions experience a high turnover from the retail side. Therefore, investigating the relationship between management strategies and corporate culture is extremely critical for future success.

The study and research conducted on the particular topic provides a conclusion derived from two hypotheses that reaffirms the argument that there is a strong connection between the style of management led by top leaders and managers and corporate culture of financial institutions. The role corporate culture in enhancing and empowering quality performance and effective change is also prominently noticeable. The study has also sought to know whether corporate culture plays a crucial role in financial institutions growth and how they adapt to the occurrence of change during their tenure of employment. The objectives of the study were framed to identify the correlation between leaders involvement towards corporate culture, enhancing corporate culture balance, explore impediments of applying change within corporate culture and explore potential short and long-term growth opportunities that lie in the hands of leaders and managers. In the analysis of literature review, many studies associated with corporate culture and their significance towards financial institutions and organizations as a whole were studied in detail.. Corporate culture is a versatile component that derives success from all aspects of organizations such as information technology, human resources, retail branches, financial services and operations. There is a clear impact of organizational culture towards the emergence of new firms and existing companies and on overall organizational performance. Through the development of corporate culture management an organization can integrate dynamic changes in its management strategies. However previous studies have shown that there is a percentage of employees who feel hesitant and are uncomfortable with such changes due to the effect on their work duties and tasks associated with their job environment.

Financial institutions have to understand the significance of change and its impact of employees. The research topic is related to the role of corporate culture and the involvement of senior leadership in a scenario of organizational change. The leadership efforts and change management strategies must be balanced in specific proportions and both must be approached from a singular perspective for optimum results. Leaders in financial institutions must appreciate the existing culture and work on suitable measures to deviate from convention and establish new guidelines for employees for easier adaptability to change. The significance of change for an organization is vested in the nature and size of change being implemented in the organization. This factor must be considered without delay as managers may have to face certain amount of resistance to change on every level of the organizational hierarchy. Leaders are responsible for identifying the causes of friction and prepare contingency plans for dealing with the issues pertaining to the change.

The research is extremely important to the financial industry for future studies and findings. an employee of a financial institution would be able to identify two different visions towards management style used by managers in context of corporate culture. Financial institutions implement two key management styles on regular basis known as macro-management and micro-management. Both approaches are perceived differently by managers and the staff. The first aim is to analyze and distinguish which management strategy would be reasonable for development and sustainability of corporate culture in financial institution to attain best quality performance possible. The second aim is to illustrate how leaders and managers empower change and determine the effectiveness of present changes in terms of quality performance and corporate culture development. It was important to conduct such research to identify the perception of employees and leaders within these financial institutions towards change and management methods used within workplace. Understanding the perceptions of both leaders and staff is significantly important for financial institutions because they can learn and understand corporate culture better and cohere as a team to ensure a healthy workplace and corporate culture that will assure quality results. Abstaining from being biased towards which management strategy is preferred by corporate culture The results of survey and questionnaires were in favor of micromanagement as the preferred management style by employees to achieve their personal quality performance and personal development. In addition, majority of the participants found that change adaption has helped in quality performance. The impact of change is noticed in simplification of processes and procedures through amalgamation of technological functions that meet the organizational as well as employee requirements.  

Employees experience many turnarounds in their tenure within financial institutions such as, employee turnovers and changes that deliver a negative message through high percentage of employee changes occurring on semi-annual to annual basis. Therefore understanding management methods with respect to prevalent corporate culture that cause such turnovers is a pivotal element to rectify any negativity associated with management involvement and enhance corporate development. There are impediments related to every corporate culture management and can vary from industry to industry. Within financial sector, institutions can mitigate such obstacles and unnecessary expenses associated with hiring procedures, training programs for corporate culture development by enhancing and reinforcing corporate culture development with the help of corporate culture involvement, empowering corporate culture and gathering complaints and feedbacks. Since corporate culture represents the organization as well as industry figuratively, employees are required to adapt to the change and managers have to ease the process through appropriate modifications in corporate culture. The findings gathered from surveys show that there is a high percentage of employees who found change wasn’t effective or didn’t know about the issue. This outcome can seem reasonable in terms of indifference of employees towards change. In some cases, employees may be unsure of the objectives of change and the ambiguous nature of change serves as a barrier for employees to accept the change.



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