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Karl Marx

Essay by   •  April 14, 2011  •  1,319 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,355 Views

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Karl Marx one of the most influential and revolutionary (radical) social theorists of all time. Conflict theory has had a tremendous impact on feminist theory, many of the theories are directly derived from his thought. People in Marx's view are basically good. He had a positive optimistic view of human nature, he believed that humans had been corrupted by society. He believed that people should grab political power and use it for its own emancipation. Some theorist call Marx illogic- The nature of human nature- it is similar to the Fallacy of the single factor, this is because Marx believes that the economy is the basis for everything in its structure. Religion, and politics are also derived from the economy everything and anything in the cultural realm is a product of economics. (Pearson-shades of gray matter) Marx wanted to make a change he was aiming to influence people in order to promote change- his objectivity in social research was shot when he said that all research done was biased so it was not possible to perform it, that most previous work should be thrown away. He believed that political advocacy and science were dispassionate. Everything has political influences some more than others-true but- in a non-black and white world shades of gray matter.

Core Dialectic

Constructing social theory statements saying that in an effective synergistic reciprocal process multiple actors and time, how individuals act with other actors. Notion of Interaction of people w other groups- kind of cause and effect. All human history is based on Economics takes place dialectically (in stages)

Modes of production

1. Primitive Communism - No social classes everything is equal hunting and gathering societies.

2. Tribal Stage- people start gathering in larger groups, hunting and gathering fairly simple religion and family structure, they are all a warrior class, one shaman etc.

3. Ancient stage more complex society and economic system starts to emerge. People start hoarding wealth, which gives way to a more complex religion economic and familiar structure.

4. Feudal nobility and peasantry- lords and serfs

5. Modern capitalism- different classes involved- two classes The workers who are called the proletariat and the owners of production who are called the bourgeoisie

6. Socialism

7. Modern communism- Egalitarianism with all the modern conveniences of capitalism.

Every historical stage has its mode of production in the organization of the society- each mode of production has different classes- . These classes have different access to different kind of resources (wealth). Both classes have conflicting interests, the dominant class are able to erect a superstructure, a cultural apparatus that hold and perpetuates their domination--Things like religion- "the opiate of the masses"* People instead of looking for salvation on this world look for salvation in the other.*

Change as inevitable

The old mode of production reaches its limits. A New mode of production emerge, or start to arise as that happens a new class start to arise as well this is an antithesis (associated classes) or Historical continuity rather a fusion of both achieving a synthesis. It has elements of the old with the new this is Marx's notion of Dialectical Materialism, when this played out it was Marx's utopia

The history of human life is the history of class struggles, his continuity as well as change historical inevitabilities.

The bourgeoisie has changed the world

Marx and Engels laid out the process a to how capitalism went out to do this.

1. The bourgeoisie-owners of production are always trying to improve the means of production "All that is solid melts into the air, and all that is holy, is profaned "constantly upgrading relentlessly searching in order to compete effectively too keep up the competitive edge.

2. These improvements require a constantly expanding market, they establish connections everywhere, and this gives way to connections.

3. Connections create Interdependencies and cosmopolitanism is a result, new needs arise, worldwide markets open, everything is pooled into civilization.

4. Overpowering flow of capitalism. Localism cannot compete all the markets from the old system are too expensive. Craft production is destroyed all notion are compelled to imitate capitalism or face extinction- Do, or die, copy us or face your demise.

5. Cheap prices facilitate the expansion and the spread of capitalism, which batters down all Chinese walls.

6. As this begins to take place all things become centralized- Centralization occurs- capitalism draws population factories, and industries to the cities. Concentration of property and power-government-material/non-material- Also a centralization of the political system. In one motion with one law, one custom tariffs. "Thus it is that the bourgeoisie creates the world in its own image"


Like the sorcerer conjures up the forces of the netherworld, which he cannot control the bourgeoisie



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