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Essay by   •  November 21, 2010  •  1,066 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,110 Views

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The Policies for Hurricane Katrina

On August 29, 2005 thousands of people watched their homes, loved ones, memories and lives being washed away with no where to go. There was total chaos among the nation. No one knew what to do, or where to go except to stand on their roof tops praying that someone will save them. However, during this confusion a city with many memories was being lost. Hurricane Katrina was an "American tragedy"(TIME magazine.An American Tragedy. New Orleans September 1,2005. pg 30).

The destruction that Hurricane Katrina has caused is one of the most disastrous hurricanes in our history (Jared Bernstein. EPI. "Principles for Gulf Coast Reconstruction". The damage has covered at least 90,000 square miles and 80% of the city was under water until just recently; that is almost three months since Katrina hit. The question that lies with the government and the people is, How are we going to rebuild this city again? To rebuild New Orleans and most of the Gulf Coast is going to cost a lot of money and a lot of work. It will probably take years and many tax dollars to repair such a disaster. According to the EPI (Economic Policy Institute) the federal government has expended $62 billion for the needs of the victims of Katrina. While it is important that we help those in need; in other words find homes, find jobs and build the victims economy back there are policies that should be followed in the rebuilding of the gulf coast. According to the API, the following is he policy memo for rebuilding the Gulf Coast:

1. "People who lost everything in the storm need to play a central role in their community"

I feel that this policy is very true and it should be. While it is a lost for those involved with the hurricane and I have great sympathy for them, they should not expect the Government to affix all the damages. This is a way for their community to work and gain some income while rebuilding their homes and economy. The policy states that Contractors should do outreach to identify and higher workers and be assisted by the government.

2. "Now, more then ever, residents and other who rebuild need fair and decent wages for the work they do. Their wages and income are as much a part of rebuilding their communities as the contract workers"

This policy does make sense and the workers should receive fair wages. After-all they were before the hurricane hit them and they should receive a fair chance to work and receive fair wages. Most of these people have families to take of; if they are not receiving fair wages it will be hard for them to support their families and rebuild their homes. However, this policy is a little difficult to follow right now since it is in regards to the Davis Bacon act which the president has suspended. It is the Davis act that declares that these workers receive fair wages. The goal is to avoid the racial and income inequalities that have been affected by the area. New Orleans has a poverty rate of 23%. If we make it a goal that employers not only in the construction area but all employment areas receive fair wages, maybe the poverty rate will not be as high anymore.

3." The plans to rebuild the city of New Orleans and other areas affected by Hurricane Katrina include provisions to provide comprehensive healthcare to those workers"

Healthcare is a big issue everywhere but it is very important to have and the victims of the hurricane should receive healthcare. This policy states that they will have Medicaid for six months and then receive health insurance through their work. I think this is very good because it is ensures that everyone has insurance and then it is their job to get employed to retain



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