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Kindergarten Headstart

Essay by   •  January 13, 2017  •  Research Paper  •  1,115 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,019 Views

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The Kindergarten and Head start Programs are beneficial for many reasons. These programs encourage school readiness to children who are age’s birth to five. Head Start also helps low income families and helps children (ages 0-5) growth in a comprehensive way. Head Start prepares ages 3-5 to the transition to elementary school. By sending children to Head Start it will give of a big impact in the child's transition to Elementary School. Head start programs help students with low-income families to progress within there own minds from which it’s needed from no preschool.

The purpose of Kindergarten and Head start programs is to prepare children for their future schools. It increases development and learning. It also helps families’ health and income. It prepares children emotionally, physically, socially and cognitively. The purpose is to teach children a balanced curriculum of skills and information to learn. It also gives children a passion for learning and excited for school. Said from Office of Planning Research and Evaluation, over 5,000 three and four year old preschool children represent delegate that in more communities where there are more eligible children and families than can be served by the program

The Head Start Program was implemented in 1965.  It was a Part of the War on Poverty Program that was launched by president Lyndon Johnson. Since almost half of the nation's poor people were ages 12 and younger, Head Start was implemented to help children’s needs as early as possible. Kindergarten was earlier implemented in 1837. Friedrich Froebel was known as the “Father of Kindergarten,” because he implemented it. He developed the first kindergarten, in Germany. He also developed practices that are still used in kindergarten classrooms today.

        There is a need for the Head Start Program because it promotes school readiness from low-income families by supporting them in a growth way. Studies show that 84% of the students that go to preschool or in a Head Start program before kindergarten progress easily then regular students and proceed in school. Head Start programs help pupils in these three ways: Early Learning, Health, and Family Well-Being. Pupils have early learning because children progress in social skills and emotional well-being, along with language, and development. All student in Head Start programs or pre-school receive health and development screenings along with, nutritious meals everyday, and mental health services to make sure that all children are given the services they need. Parents and guardians are supported by reaching achievements for their students in goals to get them into college for the future. Most Head Start programs engage with students and guardians to make sure that they have the relationship needed for the student to learn.

        Research shows that children who have adults help them in the early learning progress are more likely to succeed. For example children adapt to the school well because of the social skills mentioned in the paragraph above. Students also attend school more regularly to learn because they are excited. Additionally students whose Head Start programs attend with their community improves school-related behaviors, impacts on academic achievement, and reduces the school suspension rate. Parents and guardians are more welcomed to volunteer at schools. When guardians do volunteer it makes students believe that they can make something of themselves. It shows that the guardians have integrity that they can make it into college for the future.

        In 1965 the Federal Government founded the first Head Start program in Alabama. This provided a quality education for preschool education children on low-income families. The Alabama Head Start program goals are to focus on support for children, families, communities, and staff and they have focused and will continue to ensure that the whole child and whole family is the main priority. The Head Start program accepts children with severe disabilities, but have to address with an IEP.

        In Alabama a secondary program they have for males in Alabama are to encourage fathers/significant in the community they live in. Throughout the year of the program, the males are encouraged to volunteer in the classroom and use their spare time encouraging/helping a child to learn. This program believes fathers are involved in their children’s lives. This also includes the Grand Parent Support Group who are supporting their young child. On certain days grand parents come with responsibility to give skills to there grandchild. The people who participant gain knowledge on issues affecting there family members with low-income. The goal is to help people come closer to their student in Head Start programs. Not all families are included in there pupils lifes, but Head Start programs are encouraging to. Head Start classrooms are located at sites in Birmingham, Bessemer, Fairfield, Homewood, Jefferson County, Leeds, Midfield, Tarrant, and Warrior, including nine public schools. Where the classrooms are located invited speakers are invited to explore topics determined by the expressed needs of the participating families.



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