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Korematsu Vs. The United States

Essay by   •  November 16, 2010  •  355 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,138 Views

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Korematsu vs.U.S.

The trial of Korematsu vs. U.S. does not begin where most people may see it. Most would say that it all started when Fred Korematsu committed the crime of refusing to leave his humble home simply because some government official told him he had to. Instead the crime really began on December 7th 1941. On this day in history the Empire of Japan bombed U.S. soil at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

In response to this dreadful attack president Theodore Roosevelt signed into affect a mandatory curfew for all people of Japanese decent. This curfew meant that they not only be at home on time at night but also that they would become subject to any and all questions that an official of the law may ask. This went on for several years until 1944 when President Roosevelt signed Act 9066 which stated that all people of Japanese Decent were to report to internment camps and if not they would be arrested and tri-ed.

One of these men was Fred Korematsu. He decided he was going to rebel against this petition because he felt it was not only wrong but immoral as well. He had hoped that the authorities would not be able to capture all of the Japanese decent, and he would be able to follow through with his plans to marry his sweetheart. Unfortunately for Mr. Korematsu he was wrong, very wrong. The authorities eventually did catch up to him and he was arrested and sent to an internment camp.

When Korematsu first faced jury in 1944 he was convicted on the grounds that the area in which he was currently residing in was commandeered for militant use. He then faced a jury again when he appealed his almost forty-five year old decision. This time around things went a little bit better for Mr. Korematsu, his case was overturned and he was presided a free man.

In 1998 Fred Korematsu received the highest civilian medal the Medal of Freedom from then president Mr. Bill Clinton.



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