Essay by 24 • March 18, 2011 • 429 Words (2 Pages) • 1,195 Views
Genuine Koriander
Scientific name: Coriandrum sativum
The genuine Koriander (Coriandrum sativum) is also well-known under a multiplicity of further names like Arab parsley, Chinese parsley, Gartenkoriander, built Koriander, GewÐ"јrzkoriander, Indian parsley, potash other, Klanner, swindle grain, swindle herb, Stinkdill, wall louse herb, Wanzendill, bug herb or WanzenkÐ"јmmel. In German in particular the Korianderkraut is named also the name Cilantro originating from the Spanish.
Koriander is a one year's herb from the family of the DoldenblÐ"јtler (Apiaceae). The name leads itself off of Greek coris = bug and from the Greek amon = anise. The sheets smell something after bugs, the berries after anise. Both the fruits and the sheets and spice are used by the Koriander (see also: Spice plants).
The fruits and sheets contain different flavours and cannot therefore not replace each other.
Contents materials
Koriander contains ethereal oil (fruit: Linalool, Geraniol, ? and ?-Pinen, Limonen, Geranylacetat, ? and ?-Terpinen, Borneol; Herb and root: Decanal, Tridecen (2) - aluminium), fat oil (PetroselinsÐ"¤ure, oleic acid, LinolensÐ"¤ure, palmitic acid), proteins, strength, sugar, Pentosane, Gerbstoff, Vitamin C, traces of organic acids, Flavonoide, Furanoiso (e.g. Coriandrin), Cumarine: Umbelliferon, Scopoletin, Coriandrindiol.
Ethereal KorianderÐ"¶l
The ethereal oil is won by means of Wasserdampf-Destillation from the seeds. Its contents materials are 70% Monoterpenole, 10% Monoterpene, Ketone, esters and Kumarine.
He is used by its warm, aromatic and spicy smell also in the Parfumindustrie. It serves mainly for rounding off and harmonizing the individual components.
Use in the kitchen
While in Europe of the seeds the larger role plays, in the South American and asiatic