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Kudler Team

Essay by   •  March 6, 2013  •  4,028 Words (17 Pages)  •  1,220 Views

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Kudler Fine Foods is a local upscale specialty food store located in the San Diego metropolitan area. We have three locations (La Jolla, Del Mar and Encinitas). Each store has approximately 8,000 square feet of retail space located in a fashionable shopping center. We have the very best domestic and imported fare at every location.

FSP Project Scope

The scope of the FSP project includes all:

* Hardware

* Software

* Infrastructure

* Network Components

* Documentation

* Training

Frequent Shopper Project Stakeholders

The Project Management Institute's (PMIĀ®) Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK GuideĀ®) expands this definition to include anyone who, "... is actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected by execution or completion of the project."

A logical first step to identifying project stakeholders is to look at possible stakeholder groups. In general, these can be sorted into three levels:

Level 1 - Stakeholders within the project organization: Senior Management, Sponsor, Customer, Users

The level one stakeholder defines the need and requirements for the project, and controls the traditional project constraints of cost, time, and scope (the "triple constraints"). This includes the organization senior management, the sponsor, and possibly others who, by their position, may influence the project. Senior managers approve and contribute resources to the project, and/or may be users of the outcome of the project. It is in effect senior management's project, and they define the product to be produced.

Level 2 - Stakeholders within the project: Project Manager, Core Team Members, Vendors and Suppliers, Support Staff

At the second level are the project manager and team, and any others operating within the project's triple constraints. These are the people who do the actual work of the project and, therefore, are critically important to project completion, and ultimately responsible for project success.

Level 3 - Stakeholders from outside organizations: Regulators, Licensing Agencies, etc.

The third level of stakeholders includes those not directly a part of the project's organization and not involved in the project work. They are, however, relevant to project success because of their potential impact on the project. This includes those whose support and/or approval is needed to ensure project completion, and include regulatory, licensing, and other agencies who can influence the project. Developing good working relationships to understand both their requirements and expectations is crucial, and requires extra effort to maintain effective relationships because of the distance between them and the project.

FSP Project Stakeholders

Name Organization Description Level

Kathy Kudler President Corporate President 3

Dir. Finance and Accounting Financial Decisions 3

Dir. Store Operations Operations Decisions 3

Dir. Sales and Marketing Sponsor 3

Programmer Database Administrator 2

Retail Front-End User 2

Software Engineer Coding and integration 2

Networking Specialist Network Analyst and Administrator 2

System Designer Hardware Engineer 2

Chris Angi Program Management Office Project Manager 2

Kent Vesper Store Manager, La Jolla 1

Laurie Priest Store Manager, Del Mar 1

Juanita Lopez Store Manager, Encinitas 1

Frequent Shopper Project Goals Objectives

The primary objective of Frequent Shopper Program (FSP) project is to increase revenue. This will be accomplished by; tracking purchase behavior at the individual customer level and providing high value incentives through a partnership with a loyalty points program.

The customer purchase patterns will help Kudler refine its processes and offerings to best satisfy their valued customers. Price is not the primary differentiating factor for Kudler consumers; these consumers are focused on quality and finding specialized items.

Therefore, rather than providing everyday discounts to the customers for their purchase frequency like lower end markets, Kudler has partnered with a loyalty points program to provide customers with points which can be redeemed for high end gift items, airline first-class upgrades, or other specialty foods.

Supporting Measures of Success

* Track customer time in the store

* Track customer points accumulation

* Track customer friend referral

* Track customer interaction by location (in store, at home)

* Customer Feedback Surveys

Tangible Measures of Success

* Ratio of time in store/ points accumulated

* Number of referrals/Actual new members

* Cost benefit ratio of the FSP

* Identify product popularity redeemed

Current Point of Sale Process Flow Chart

Current Process Description

The point of sale process starts out with the cash procedure. The cash procedure will start as either a cash or credit card sale,

A. If it is a cash sale, then the sale would be entered as a cash sale.

The cash sale data is transmitted to the



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