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Latin American History Crash Course

Essay by   •  May 15, 2016  •  Study Guide  •  547 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,372 Views

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Crash Course Quiz #1

  1. The three institution controlled were the Spanish crown, the church, and patriarchy. The Spanish crown collected taxes on everything called the royal fifth. The church influenced people’s everyday lives. Patriarchy which made men in power and women are largely excluded from it. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was a 16-year-old girl who wrote poetry and books. She disguised herself as a boy that way she attends the university. However, she was banned from doing.
  2. Transculturation is a new and distinct Latin culture emerged mixing. White who were from Spain were called peinsulares. Whites born in the Americans were called creoles. Transculturation pervaded Latin American life from food, music, and fashion. In the 16 century Latin America had a diversity of mixed race people and constant attempts to classify them and divide them into castes. Casa paintings were painting that illustrated all the possible racial combinations.
  3. The Portuguese royal families responded to Napoleon invasion by decamping to Brazil. The king of Portugal, King Joao enjoyed he stayed in Rio that even after Napoleon was defeated at the battle at Waterloo he decided to stay in Brazil instead of returning to Portugal. But later returned back as King leaving his son Prince Pedro behind.
  4. Brazil formed a party to lobby for independence. King Pedro declared Brazil an independent constitutional Brazil achieved independence without much bloodshed and managed to hold on to social hierarchy with the plantation owners at top.
  5. In 1808 Napoleon put his brother on the Spanish throne. Napoleon wanted to institute liberal principles of the French Revolution. Mexican creoles honored their loyalty to the new French King.
  6. The Mestizo peasants led by Hidalgo, creoles and peninsulares looked and acted identical. So the peasants attacked the creoles, making it complicated.
  7. Spain was ruled under a Spanish king with a new constitution that limited the power of the church. The Mexican elites supported Spain but switched sides and made common cause with the creoles in hope to hold on privileges pushing for independence together. Creole general Iturbide and rebel Mestizo joined forces and won independence with most of the peninsulares returning to Spain.
  8. Popular sovereignty wasn’t that important in Mexican independence. Peasants didn’t have much benefits. The alliance between landowning and the army was continuous throughout Latin American history.
  9. Creole revolutionaries formed a revolutionary that seized power in Caracas and formed a republic. Venezuela was home to cowboys called Llaneros who supported the king. They kept the Caracas revolutionaries form extending their power land.
  10. Bolivar convinced the Llaneros to give up fighting for Spain and start fighting against them.
  11. Jose de san Martin led an expedition against the Spanish in Chile and in Lima. In December of 1824 all of Latin America was free from Spain.
  12. The division into nation states in 19th century was leading world history for Latin America.
  13. Most of the territory of Latin America was under Spanish or Portugal control for about 300 years. Latin America wasn’t revolutionary. Wealthy creoles remained at the top of the social hierarchy. The catholic church remained powerful in people’s live and females weren’t allowed to vote.
  14.  Latin America did not lead to freedom and stability because they still followed rules that Spain and Portugal made.



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