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Essay by   •  April 1, 2011  •  463 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,334 Views

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Learning is the process or experience of gaining knowledge. Learning

involves change and hard work. During my time in Academic Access 101 I have

gone through vigorous areas in my life that need to change in order to succeed in

college. There are numerous challenges interfering with my ability to excel in

college. One habit or life pattern that interferes with my ability to excel in College

is poor time management.

Poor time management is a habit, or life pattern, that interferes with my

ability to excel in college; for example, time management deals with the ability of

an individual to manage time spent doing daily activities. Managing friends,

studying, work, and relationships is quite an overwhelming responspbilty for an

individual. Personally, I have found it quite challenging to manage my time

properly to satisfy my college education. Coming from high school, it is quite easy

to be more responsible with teachers, and counselors guiding you along the way,

but in College it is quite hard to be responsible for your own actions. Poor time

management leads to uncompleted tasks and inconsistency. Ultimately, failure to

manage time properly in College will lead to decay to perform successful in College.

After acknowledging how poorly I have been managing my time. I have

taken vigorous steps to understand how to properly manage time. In my studies in

Academic Access 101 I have learned that in order to manage time properly. You

have to learn how you currently spend your own time. I have conducted what's

known as a “Personal Time Log”. A time log is basically a chart, which shows

what activities you spend most of your time on. After completing the chart, I have



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