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Liberal Brainwashing

Essay by   •  May 14, 2011  •  1,179 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,693 Views

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What is learned as a child stays with you for the rest of your life. We have given teaches the awesome responsibility of molding our young. They take a head full of mush and fill it with facts (Limbaugh). Do we want them to impart their political agendas on our vulnerable children? I think not!!! Studies have shown that most teachers have very definite liberal leanings. They often show that bias in the classroom. If there is one thing that my mother has told me is that direct omission is a lie, and if you are going to present your liberal views then you must also present the conservative rebuttal. However, this is not what is happening is today's schools. In fact, teachers often give lower grades for writings that do not agree with their points of view. This incursion of liberal views occurs from kindergarten, to the elementary school, to the middle school, to the high school, and even to the college campuses. Most students spend in excess of 6 hours per day in school, 180 days a year. That is greater than 6,5 00 hours of their lives, just in elementary school. Add high school and that amount doubles. That is a lot of time and a lot of power given over to teachers. Some of them abuse it. Let me show you what I mean, by giving just a few examples.

Liberal teachers have invaded our school system in the elementary and middle schools. For instance, a Michigan school district gave the third grade class a prompt stating, "The Frank Allis third grade will be writing letters to encourage an end to the war in Iraq. The letter writing will teach civic responsibility, a social studies standard, while providing an authentic opportunity to improve composition skills and handwriting." (Madison Freedom Fighters) They gave no option for those that opposed. In fact, the letter went on to declare that "If the war has not ended by the 12th day [of the letter writing campaign] we will start the whole sequence over again, writing to students in middle school, high school, and college." (Madison Freedom fighters) This was even approved by the principle of the school. Unfortunately, this is not the only example of liberal teaching gone awry on the elementary level. A teacher from Bennington Virginia gave his class a politically slanted vocabulary quiz. In which he stated that "I wish Bush would be (coherent, eschewed) for once during a speech, but there are theories that his everyday diction charms the below-average mind, hence insuring him Republican votes." (Bret Chenkin) The answer is (drum roll please) coherent. In addition, an eighth grade science teacher in Alabama showed his students a movie calling Bush condelezza Rice Sean Hanity Rush Limbaugh and other conservative speakers "A** -holes" thirteen times within the span of two minutes and that the movie had nothing to do with science. One should also point out that this teacher, Steve White of Lester Alabama, was a democrat running for a seat in the House of Representatives at the time.

Liberals have invaded our school system in the high-school level. This is clearly seen in such incidents as Jay Benish ranting, unfair grading practices and slanted historic views on the Regents. Jay Banish is known for his liberal lecture were he compares George W. Bush to Hitler. He also misrepresented the United States by saying, "Who is the world's largest producer of cigarettes and tobacco? The United States!" This resulted in only a suspension from duties for a week. Another incident of liberal bias happened at Santa Monica High school were a teacher asked his class to write an article on what causes poverty. He wrote an article that stated, "In the United States over the last 30 years, five trillion dollars (equated) have been spent battling poverty with no noticeable improvement . . .. Furthermore, according to the same study, when benefits for poor families are increased by one percent of the average personal income, the number of poor people living in a state increases by .8 percent."(Elder) His teacher gave him a score of 58/70 the same grade as another student who wrote" Economics is another reason that there is (sic) a lot of homeless people in the world, no job offers or anything. Some people are getting paid really low wages and they need the money sometimes so they can feed their kids or even thereselves (sic). welfare (sic) is really hard to get . . ."(Elder)



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