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Literature Review on Csr and Their Effects on Organisation

Essay by   •  March 3, 2016  •  Research Paper  •  2,743 Words (11 Pages)  •  1,579 Views

Essay Preview: Literature Review on Csr and Their Effects on Organisation

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Literature Review on CSR and their effects on organisation

Table of Contents

Literature Review on CSR and their effects on organisation        

Executive Summary        


Trends in the area of CSR and Ecology        

Current approaches for CSR in ecological environment        

Definition used        

Key definitions being used concept required to be understand CSR-Corporate Social Responsibility:        

CS-Corporate Sustainability        

Current discoveries about topic        

Question being asked        

General Conclusion        

Methodologies used        

Strength and weakness of discussed different        



Executive Summary – Research report is related to importance of CSR and benefit of CSR to society. CSR is responsibility of industry towards society for betterment of society.  Corporate social responsibility is responsibility of organisation for society as corporate himself gain profit due to society. CSR concept is beginning over 50 year above. Many industries include small and big increasingly using CSR in their business. Corporate social responsibility is the obligation of the organisation towards employee and there family, society, community and people residing in the society for the well being of the society. As society and people of society have bear so many losses due to the industries i.e. environment pollution created by the organisation at the time of production create so many disease and damage to the society in the same way due to production air, water, soil pollution are occurred which creates disease in people hence to compensate this in reverse society also expect something from organisation in the way of some improvement in their production system, help to poor people for education, wellbeing of people, providing employment to the people etc. CSR is a management activity conducted by the company for the help of their employee and society to provide them better life style.

Introduction - Whole research report is related to literature review on CSR. It includes advantage and disadvantage to society as well as industries. In research report includes strength and weakness of society as well.  In the report we analyse the research report CSR article from 6 different sources. For the research of the CSR we have gathered data from the different sources and analyzed than we have found wonderful results. In this we have gathered information from the websites of the different industries and firm, by public survey of the industries and firm, analysing working pattern of the organisation and we have gathered information about the work ethics followed by the organisation, acceptance of CSR by the organisation, why they are agreed to accept CSR, if not then why, how they perform their duty. From the research we have found mix results from the industry. We believe that it is our duty to protect the environment and society by ensuring the sustainable use and disposal of scarce resources and seek to do so by managing our supply chain and our consumption of resources. As some the resource has scarcity even they are available in a lot now days but they have limited availability hence in the CSR initiative one can concentrate on this types of work also.

Trends in the area of CSR and Ecology:

In this fast changing environment; there are many elements in the market which keeps the market competitive, and one of those elements is Corporate Social Responsibility. This is the most challenging concept which an organization has to face in this competitive environment with the progress in growth. There are many innovations done in this area, the most considerable innovation which become most crucial subject is ecological innovations. The current trend in of corporate social responsibility and ecological innovations, lead us to check the role of management and attitude towards the issues occurred in the environment, as the management system of any organization is always connected with the environment which also include natural environment also.

Current approaches for CSR in ecological environment

The resources available from the environment which helps the organization to exist and develop further and in response; organization is required to interact with environment as part of feedback process. (Leszczyńska, 2011, p. 29). Today, the trends become very clear that saving of environmental elements is very crucial for future survival, and in this era, we can find new approach of marketing where in eco-marketing or ecological marketing concepts become very famous with integrated of all the activities which defining the role of each and every people for development of social and environment elements simultaneously. The activities which are specified in these concepts involve culture of more profitable and developed environment which also fulfils the various customer needs as per changing environment and at the same time also taking care of the social and ecological development. This becomes the most relevant subjects in the research area, where constant research is being done by taking into account the different enterprise and various products and services, which is mainly generated through the natural environment. The study in this concept revealed that this concept of corporate social responsibility involving majority of activities where in the common object of ecological innovations for the managerial staff required them to follow the various standards and legal norms. The other objective as part of ecological CSR environment includes minimizing the postproduction waste, minimization of usage of water and energy, limiting the creation of harmfulness environment.

Definition used

Key definitions being used concept required to be understand CSR-Corporate Social Responsibility:

Since before 50 years ago, this concept becomes popular and there is pressure on corporate organizations is increasing to make balance in the various social as well as environmental aspects with the survival of economic prosperity. The corporate social responsibility represents the business ethics and care required to be taken of environment along with social development. There are various definitions given by different experts on CSR, which might have created confusion in understanding it properly. This idea of corporate social responsibility is the creation of changing business environment. The simple meaning of CSR represents that there is combined growth of social as well as environment. With the object of profit maximization, and survive in competitive environment, it is becomes significant concepts from the point of view of future prosperity of ecological development.



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