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Essay by   •  September 6, 2010  •  623 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,137 Views

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In my opinion, McMurphy is the real hero of the novel and the saviour of the institution. McMurphy starts off as an ordinary person with no medical problems and almost from the start of the novel, he realizes what's going on in the institute and works to help the inmates get out of the "fog". Everyone else in the institute is quite, but McMurphy is strong and loud, and always seemed to entertain all the inmates with his jokes and new ideas. He also changed the way the inmates think and was the leading cause of the turning point of all of their lives. He earned their respect and trust by being down to earth with them and gave them hope for their future.

The majority of the novel deals with how McMurphy teaches the rest of the patients to be sane and normal. He taught them that in order to be sane, above all, it is the ability to laugh, both at yourself and at a world that is often offensive and cruel. McMurphy never seems to take himself, or the others too seriously. When George Sorenson refuses to shake his "dirty" hand, McMurphy doesn't take offence, rather he starts to joke, and he accepts everyone's opinions.

One of the ways the Nurse and other members of the Combine destroy men in the institute is by making them weak and defenseless. Billy will defeat his mother and Nurse Ratched when he loses his virginity to Candy. McMurphy never lets the cruel rules from the institute or even common sense stand in the way of good fun which comes from his rebellious side of view. This shows the other patients that the Power of the "Big Nurse" is not absolute and complete, they don't have to live the way she says, she is governed by rules but she can be over come.

In my opinion, McMurphy is the real hero of the novel and the saviour of the institution. McMurphy starts off as an ordinary person with no medical problems and almost from the start of the novel, he realizes what's going on in the institute and works to help the inmates get out of the "fog". Everyone else in the institute is quite, but McMurphy



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