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Essay by   •  October 29, 2017  •  Creative Writing  •  560 Words (3 Pages)  •  773 Views

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Now we no more fall in love with a person but fall in love with the idea of a person that we have created in an attempt to run away from our day-to-day passive routine.When that idea fades away,so does the love.Love now is a function of convenience .We are in Love as long as everything is convenient for us;when it's not,we try running away.but when it comes to talk about good or bad No man has ever progressed to greatness, but through mistakes. There is curious mixture of good and bad in us. We cannot be entirely good and completely bad also. If we are totally good. we are gods. and if entirely bad then we become devils. We are, as such, neither good no devils, but simply human begins; therefore, what is good with us is bad to others, and the position is bound to change. We may be as good as we please, if we please to be good. To be good, we must be good. or it attaches itself not merely to this life, it is greater and more than the life. All that a man does is but the expression of his inward thoughts. To work effectively, man must think nobly. Nothing is so practical as our thoughts. Our views of life mould our life; our viewed of God mould our soul; and clearer the thought and purer the soul. the more successful and happier a life is ensured. Life is thought; to think is to live. Tolstoy spoke the truth. -Men suffer from thinking, more than anything else." We must remember that good is a virtue, and bad is a vice. In the ultimate conclusion, virtue survives and the vice perishes. Good is that which is useful, whereas bad is that which is harmful. That what is beneficial, gives pleasure and brings profits, is good. Bad is that which is despicable. In fact, good and bad is the source of inspiration of an action. The seed determines the fruit. If the actions are good, it is certain that they cannot be inspired by the evil intentions and in the same way, on evil action can be the result of good thoughts. Bad is only bad. and in itself is curse. We cannot



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