Essay by 24 • November 12, 2010 • 1,457 Words (6 Pages) • 1,347 Views
Karen Campbell: Book IV begins by discussing Lucretius’ mission. All images and projections come from a particular source and it leaves no room for the supernatural. He feels that religion continues to blind us from the way things really are and he hopes that his teachings will set mankind free. Lucretius then goes into detail about the existence of nature and atomic lighting image which happens through mid air and that films do exist in nature. He then begins to describe how sensations are caused by those atomic images; and how we as humans think, eat, sleep, and dream he also talk about passionate love; which to him is an attack. Lucretius mission is: “To free the spirit, give the mind release from constrictions of religious fear” (9-10:119). Lucretius says that although his writings seem harsh, and some people are against it, he just wants to explain the way things really are. He feels it is important to release the mind from images that create terror while either sleep or awake. Man has control over his mind, and also what he chooses to think. People choose to pollute their mind with negative and unproductive thoughts. Its’ all about gaining self-control, and learning to filter out what is needed and what is not needed. Lucretius explains” A terror in our minds, whether are awake or in our sleep see fearful presences” (36-37:120). He explains sensations (sight, touch, sound, shape, color) and thoughts in his book as: “something we touch or handle, seems to be the same as what we look at in the light” (225-226:125). Lucretius is trying to explain that all senses that humans have are by the process of atomic images which are unquestionable. Humans depend on their senses, but vision is probably the most valuable and can be the most misleading. We can think and know only by sensory experience, which takes place by atoms moving beneath the level of human perception. Lucretius ends book IV by condemning Venus the goddess of love. ” Venus plays a trick on lovers with her game of images which are never satisfied looking at bodies fills no vital need ….. and still are empty” (104-109:151). The main idea that Lucretius is trying to say about love and sex is that it may ruin your mind and health. He feels that you really get nothing out of sex because after the physical action is over, you are still empty and void. It is important to Lucretius for us to understand that pleasure should not end in pain and vice versa. Pleasure is when the body is free from hurt, and conflicts are present in our mind. The ultimate thing with Lucretius is to live the simple life which will bring us the most pleasure. He states that “But our wives it seems, need no such nonsense. Finally the little woman does not have to be a raving beauty; she can win your love, without the help of any gods, without the darts of Cupids or of Venus” (1279-1284:157). He further concludes that “Desire is blind, is ignorant, and men can never stop this foolishness that keep on praising and attractive charm which simply isn’t there” (1153-1156:153) Lucretuis believes that we are driven by passions and the need to feel wanted. If a man gets to know the woman for who she really is he should make an intelligent choice. He feel that men should judge the woman for her looks because beauty is only skin deep and should be considered when choosing a woman.“Of manhood starts to fill their genitals, beholding in their dreams a lovely face a beautiful complexion, or a form desirable and fair, are so aroused, so stirred, excited, swollen, that the deed becomes reality, and a tidal flow pours out to stain their garments.”(1029-1035:149). Lucretius feels that the end result can be a broken heart that could sink into depression that can produce sickness in your body. Lucretius tries to point out that love is natural and does need the help of Cupid or Venus or superstition” So let your rule of reason never be distorted by the fallacies of sense lest all your logic prove a road to ruin” (523-525: 133) He says that if we live a simple life and let love happen we can then have self-control over desires. Men are weak when it comes to love and sexual desires, which can be dangerous. Sexual intercourse is okay as long as you don’t let it rule your mind.
Book V describes the natural order of things in the universe that has a beginning and an end. Nature predicts the weather Lucretius says “When patterns are established more or less, even from the beginning of the world, they tend to keep that order and recurrence” (676-678:179). Lucretius feels that it does not take an educated man to see that these things happen due to nature. Man cannot control nature neither can he control the natural occurrence of things so we should face issues in life knowing that some things we can control and some we can’t Lucretius feels that man