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Essay by   •  October 30, 2010  •  736 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,401 Views

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While reading the play of Lysistrata, I was very surprised by the pot of they play. The Story was about women holding out on sex with their husbands in order to make peace. The men who were fighting the war would supposedly give up fighting to regain a sex life. I was very surprised that this was the plot of they play because I didn't think sex would be such a large role in the lives of the people so long ago. Sex plays a large part in out society today. I didn't think it was a as important to people back then as it is to us now. But obviously I was wrong because eventually the men and the women broke down in need for sex.

Lyisistrata was the first women to make up the entire idea of swearing not to part her knees for all husbands. She gathered all her lady friends together and asked them a simple question of if they wanted their husbands to come home from war, and end the fighting. All the women very eagerly responded yes. The ladies said they would do anything to have their husbands back , some have been gone for almost a year. So lyisistrata explained to the women her idea of abstinence. I personally think she developed this idea of not having sex because she herself was not in a relationship. She wasn't used to having sex like the other girls were. So for her to give up her sex life wasn't such a sacrifice. As soon as these women heard the idea of having no sex and holding out no matter what they all were completely discouraged. But if this was the way to get their husbands to come home and make peace they decided they would do it. With this, the women had a fear of being raped for what they are holding from their husbands who have been longing for sex, and now denied of it. If this was the case, if they did get raped, they swore to leave their husbands. During the making of this promise, All the women took an oath. They swore upon a white horse. I personally think this white horse resembles sex. A white horse is large and powerful, it represents strength



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