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Macbeth Is A Villain In Whom There Is Little To Admire". Do You Think This Is A Satisfactory Comment On Macbeth? **Using Textual Evidence**

Essay by   •  December 20, 2010  •  1,671 Words (7 Pages)  •  3,844 Views

Essay Preview: Macbeth Is A Villain In Whom There Is Little To Admire". Do You Think This Is A Satisfactory Comment On Macbeth? **Using Textual Evidence**

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Macbeth is not a villain in whom there is little to admire; he in fact, contains many characteristics that responders would look up to and to some extent, respect. Bravery and courage is shown with Macbeth throughout the play which causes us to admire him. What ultimately had caused Macbeth's rise and downfall is what the witches had dishonesty masqueraded, and thus Macbeth's character flaw had provoked the events happening. Moreover, although Macbeth had committed many awful and unforgivable deeds, within him, is the guilt and remorse for those people who were his victims. Many times he have had questioned himself whether what he was doing was right, showing how there is compassion within him. Ambition and determination is the major driving force for Macbeth and his 'villain' deeds. Although as the play gradually develops, Macbeth becomes more like a villain, nothing changes the way he feels about his beloved wife, Lady Macbeth. Hence, Macbeth is not a villain in whom there is little to admire as there are many qualities within him that is admirable and respectable.

Bravery and courage displayed by Macbeth throughout the play causes responders to admire him. In the beginning of the play we come to know Macbeth as a typical general; someone who is brave, loyal, valiant and heroic. Responders view his success against Ireland and Norway in the battle, as courage and loyalty to King Duncan and hence admiring Macbeth for his abilities. "For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name-"(Act I, Scene II, Line 18) proves Macbeth's bravery and gives the sense of admiration for him straight off.

Towards the end of the play, Macbeth's bravery is also shown. In Act V, Macbeth is left alone to fight for himself, as nearly all of his men had abandoned his side and joined up with Malcolm. When Macduff finally confronts Macbeth, Macbeth discovers that Macduff was not "born of woman", and realises the mistake he had made, but, even with that knowledge, Macbeth refused to yield and still fought bravely to his defeat. "I will not yield To kiss young Malcolm's feet, And to be baited with the rabble's curse. Though Birnam wood be come to Dunsinane, And thou oppos'd, being of no woman born, Yet I will try the last" (Act 5, Scene 8, Lines 32-37). Thus showing Macbeth's bravery, even though Macbeth himself knew that he stood no chance of winning, he still fought Macduff with all he had and refused to face defeat without a fight. Although he is a 'villain', his bravery and courage causes admiration from responders, and hence, Macbeth is not a villain in whom there is little to admire.

Although Macbeth had committed many awful and unforgivable deeds, within him is the guilt and remorse for those people who were his victims. In Act 5, Scenes 7 and 8, Macduff confronts Macbeth and challenges him to fight; however, Macbeth is reluctant to fight, as he was feeling guilty enough for slaughtering Macduff's entire family, "Of all men else I have avoided thee: But get thee back; my soul is too much charged With blood of thine already" (Act 5, Scene 8, Lines 5-7). This demonstrates how Macbeth does have human feelings within him, and is something which is to be admired about. This also proves how Macbeth has the feeling of guilt and regrets what he had abruptly done.

Act 3, Scene 4 is another piece of Macbeth's guilty conscience being put into play. Macbeth, whom already had Banquo assassinated, felt that guilty conscience while at the banquet. He hallucinates, seeing the ghost of Banquo. "Thou canst not say I did it: never shake Thy glory locks at me" (Lines 63-64). As he continues to see Banquo's voice, fear and guilt overrides him. Hence, Macbeth is not a villain in whom there is little to admire.

Macbeth had questioned himself many times before murdering Duncan, which at least shows decency, in his character, and an admirable aspect. In Act 1, Scene 7, Macbeth is shown wrestling with his conscience. He considers the consequences of killing Duncan "...That we but teach Bloody instructions, which being taught return to plague the inventor" (Lines 8-10) thus meaning no matter what evil deed you do, evil will torment the original person. Having at least considered that, Macbeth shows an admirable feature; he knows that it isn't right and is something which he shouldn't be even thinking about. Macbeth also considers that King Duncan is at his house in double trust. Firstly because "I am his kinsman and his subject, Strong both against the deed;" (Lines 13-14) and secondly because "then, as his host, who should against his murderer shut the door, Not bear the knife myself" (Lines 14-16). Macbeth's aspiration of being king is great, yet he does consider the reasons why he should leave things as it is, and this causes us to admire Macbeth and his reasoning because we know how much Macbeth had wanted to be king, yet he decided to not go ahead.

Additionally King Duncan has been a good King that is well liked by everyone, and Macbeth knows this "his virtues Will plead like angels trumpet-tongu'd against The deep damnation of his taking-off;" (Line 18-20). Furthermore, Macbeth argues that he has no reason to kill his king but to satisfy his ambition. Hence, he knows that the reasons against killing Duncan are greater than his reasons for. This was why Macbeth had settled with the conclusion of not killing Duncan, "We will proceed no further in this business" (Line 33) and showed loyalty to his king (before Lady Macbeth came a persuaded him to do otherwise). Therefore, proving that Macbeth is not a villain in whom there is little to admire as he, does know that doing such things is wrong and not right.

Macbeth loves his wife more than anything in the world. This certainly shows, even though he gradually became a villain in the play, he does still have 'human characteristics' and 'feelings'. To love someone as dearly as the



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