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Magneto Mall, Raipur Case Study

Essay by   •  February 23, 2016  •  Case Study  •  1,027 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,226 Views

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Factors affecting success of a mall.        

Mall Management        

Location analysis        




        Magneto Mall, Raipur was opened 5th February 2010. It is central India's largest mall and provides world-class entertainment, business and luxury brands in a truly international ambience. A 10,35,000 Sqft extravaganza that packs in a million attractions. It constantly efforts to bring million attractions for the people of Raipur in a fast pace, with brands in the category of apparels, leather, hypermarket, gaming, multiplex  to Raipur for the first time. Magneto endeavour to hold regular carnivals, events, festivals for the people of Raipur city to enjoy, have fun, learn, dance, sing or just chit-chat. Events like Magneto Carnival, Magneto Summer Mania & Magneto Mumbai festival, Magneto Shopping festival, Magneto Jingles to give a experience that Raipur will never forget.

  • It is spread in 10.35 Lacs sqft with first ever formats of Mall cum Multiplex (PVR Cinemas) in Raipur.
  • It has a in house Auto Zone (Mercedez Benz, Maruti Suzuki, Audi)
  • Magneto is the most suitable place for businessmen's presentations, counter selling, training programs, seminars, customers meet and management deals.
  • Magneto Offizo is Raipur’s first international standard based office space with amenities to cozy you at your work station.
  • Palika Bazar of 35,000 sqft. (140 retail Shops)
  • Bellagio is a premium & luxury format stores
  • Magneto Haat for local retailers

Factors affecting success of a mall. 

        Global retailers are staggered by the multifarious demands on their minds and facilities. Their challenge is, how to cater ceaselessly to every whim of varying customers. Nevertheless, there are some “staple” factors, which determine the success of a mall

  • Site- the ease of getting there is a critical determinant of where families shop.
  • Parking- it provides a parking space of 2,81,224 sqft for the customers
  • Concept, Merchandise- offer a value proposition to every customer who enters the outlet.
  • Food and Drinks- offer a range of foods
  • Help Desks is available throughout.

Concepts innovated by magneto mall

In today’s competitive world where customer owes no loyalty for a shopping mall, magneto offer some unique positioning to attract more footfalls. Innovative concepts offered by Magneto:

  • Magneto Haat-

Magneto-The Mall had launched an interesting concept namely “Magneto HAAT” back in 2010.The rationale behind launching 5,000 sqft. HAAT was to bring in small local retailers and service providers, who are normally unable to afford a shop in malls but are appealing to middle and lower class customers due to lower prices. They conducted a study and identified about 25 categories of products and services ideal for this concept. Further, we also carried out survey and exploration of small and micro retailers in local market to identify potential retailers for the HAAT, and to ensure the required varieties with quality within economical prices.

  • Magneto Palika Bazaar

The mall also introduced 34,000sq.ft. “Magneto Palika Bazaar” inlate 2012 for local and regional retailers on theme of Delhi’s renowned Palika Bazaar. The concept boasts of small shops with vast offering ranging from a needle to apparels, high-end electronics and a variety of services to appeal everyone. Magneto Palika  Bazaars 70 percent booked till date and  shall be open to public within next three months,

Mall Management 

It uses a 5S model to manage the entire mall:

  • Sort- eliminate all unnecessary tools, parts and instruction. Keep only essential items for the specific tasks. Red tag items that you are not sure about.
  • Set in order- arrange tools, parts and instruction in such a way that the most frequent used items are the easiest and quickest to locate
  • Sweep-clean the workspace and all equipment, and keep it clean, tidy and organized. And at the end of each shift, clean the work area and be sure that everything is restored to its place.
  • Standardize- all work stations for a particular job should be identical. All employees doing the same job should be able to work in any station with the same tools that are in the same location in every station.
  • Sustain- maintain and review standards. Once previous 4S’s have been established, they become the new way to operate. Maintain focus on this new way and do not allow a gradual decline back to the old ways.

Table1: Sample of 5S model

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