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Management And Personal Effectiveness

Essay by   •  December 11, 2010  •  1,538 Words (7 Pages)  •  2,519 Views

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Development Plan

1. Introduction

As a MBA student I have entered a different kind of challenging phase of my academic life, it is not only the environment of the new class but also new way of life. A successful accomplishment of studying post-graduate depends on what kind of goal will I create and what kind of strategy will I execute. So I need to create a goal because with this goal, I will keep myself motivated to my own goal and I will try my best to attain it and not give up easily. Graduated from Malaspina University-College with wide vision, more knowledge, soft-skills, and hard-skills about business and how to communicate with others is my ultimate goal. And I hope after I get my degree from the university, I could get accepted in one of the best multi-national company in Canada as a future leader and know how to do it. In the study plan and personal development plan, I am going to explain my steps to achieve my goals.

2. Part 1: Study Plan

In the study plan I determine three objectives that I think important, those are :

2.1. Establishing a schedule for my study

I had been experiencing some unmanaged academic activities before I have arrived in Malaspina University College. My habit is often to postpone my assignment and rarely study for preparing tomorrow class, and because of that I seldom achieved good grades in exams and assignments. So that, I will have to improve my time management by making all my activities in scheduled from the beginning of Pre-MBA program until the end of MBA program. For example, everyday after the class I will evaluate and review what I did in the classroom. Having some exercise at the gym for a while between four and five o'clock, then I will prepare for the next day class. To make it balanced, I will have some sport and hang-out with my friends on the weekends.

2.2. Enhancing language skills

Because I think English is important, and as my initiate step to the course. I plan to develop my language skills in :

2.2.1. Speaking

I am going to improve my ability speaking English by watching TV every two days and also initiating myself to speak more often to other people for 4 months starting July. In order to speak English fluently, I will discipline myself to speak whenever I speak, learn how to express myself and idea in a proper way, and also communicate more with my peers. For example, speak more in the class, make a relationship with other student and the community, and would join community clubs in the city.

2.2.2. Writing

Since my writing skills are not good, I will increase my writing ability with studying grammar and expanding my vocabulary to improve my writing from the Pre-MBA course until the end of the MBA course. This ability is important to me, because I will have a lot of papers to write during the course. To make the assignment done and meet the requirement, I will finish my papers two days before due date. I will also read many books like "The world's writing systems" by Daniels, P.T. to broaden my knowledge about grammar and also vocabulary. Besides that, I will have to learn how to make good academic research in good composition, how to make citations from journals or books, and how to make references.

2.2.3. Reading

Sometimes I cannot read and understand so fast, so I need to repeat it again. In Pre-MBA and MBA program I will have a lot of reading during the program. Therefore, I will read more books, at least 25 pages per day, in order to improve my reading technique starting in July. Every time I have read a book, I will evaluate myself by making notes about it and about the content and what knowledge I have got from the book.

2.2.4 Listening

I still cannot understand people if they speak to fast, especially my Canadians friends, because of that I will listen to the radio twice a week in four months, especially about news shows or talk shows to improve my listening ability.

2.3 To inculcate discipline in my work

The orientation of Pre-MBA program makes me know that I have to fix myself into a better shape. For example I used to submit my assignment just on the eleventh hour or I would arrive late in class. With those kinds of obstacles, I think I cannot be successful in this MBA program. Therefore I need to make changes in myself, because with discipline I could do better in everything I do. Discipline will make me more confident, think positive, and more optimistic. Thus, I will develop and implement my discipline in my work in two months, in order to improve my habits not only in the class but also in the daily life. As example, I will wake up at 6.30 every morning, I will always attend every course during my program, and I will finish and submit my assignment and paper well in advance.

Timeline of study plan

Task July Aug Sep Oct Nov Des Jan Feb Mar Ð'..... Aug

Make schedule






3. Part II: Personal Development Plan

Personal development plan help me to focus on my goal during the MBA program, here are my objectives:

3.1 Developing critical thinking

In my home country, the mechanism of education made me as a passive student, I just believed and accepted what my instructor said without analyzing it. When I enrolled the Pre-MBA class for the first time, I realized that I have to be more critical in accepting ideas from other people and how to think critically.



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