Management of Google Company
Essay by Winnie Tan • April 27, 2018 • Research Paper • 2,765 Words (12 Pages) • 988 Views
Nowadays, Google is becoming No.1 search engine in this world. It is attributed to be the best organization to work for, and it has around 46,000 employees. In 1998, Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. (, 2013) Larry Page was born on 26th March 1973 in Michigan. He is the present CEO of Google. He is Master of Science in Computer Science which was graduated from Stanford University. He is ranked at no.12 of the Forbes Billionaires of 2016 currently. (Forbes,2016)
The University of Michigan Studies is a progression of studies on leadership that were done in the beginning of 1950s by Michigan University. The center of this Michigan studies was to decide the principles and the ways of leadership that prompted to productivity and employment fulfilment. There are two type of leadership behaviors shows in this Michigan studies which are the employee orientation and production orientation. Employee-oriented leader were more concern about the impersonal relationship between employee and take care of the employee needs while production-oriented leader focus only on the task and technical side of the job (Virkus, 2009).
On the other hand, our chosen leader which is Larry Page is an employee-oriented leader as he sees every employee in the company as a family. There are wide range of advantage that are given to Google’s employee which incorporate free meals, free legitimate counsel, health care that are provide, a day offs for the new parents, family stipends and a type of annuity when a family loses a friend or family member and many more (, n.d.). Google company operated in a way that Google always put their employee to be taken care and keeping their employee happy is a thing they will bring for concern. Google also created a working environment that will attracts, rouses and holds the best employee in the field. In the year 2007, Google was given the title for the best working place to work by Fortune magazine and number four for the year 2010. This is not astonishing at all as you can see how Google treats their employee, there is a campus in California called “Googleplex” and the employees there are treated free foods such as sushi bar and coffee stations.
Furthermore, employee in Google also have the access to all the facilities such as the gyms room, health care , video games and many more. Google also provide leave for the families that with a new born child for 4 months and have 75% of the full pay. All these welfare that Google provides made the working place to be a unique ones, different from the others company they have worked and the employees have given the feeling that their needs have taken care and been treated well (Bauer and Erdogan, 2016). Larry Page state that it is important that the company treat their employees as part as their family and when peoples are being treat as parts of a family, they tend to have better productivity. Larry Page have few recommendations on how instilling family value into the company which is advance personal health and welfare, most of the employee enjoy additional welfare that are not found in regularly in the working environment. Google provide doctors in their health care centre, healthy meal are also provided every day by them and it is free of charge. Furthermore, Larry Page also state that we should live our life with enrichment and we need to think about our needs. Therefore, Google gives its employees 20 percent of their own time to go on with whatever that makes them happy (Malone, 2014).
In my opinions, the leadership style of Larry Page is suitable for the Google company because Larry Page successfully lead Google company. In the year 2011, Page accepted the CEO role in Google company and after more than 3 years of retention as CEO of Google, Google has become better than ever. In addition, Apple now view Google as his No.1 competitor, so do many other company such as Amazon, Facebook, Yahoo and Microsoft. Google’s business. Google’s business now have become very success and have 20% more revenue for the past three years and about $37 billion for the Google’s cash hoard since Page have become the CEO. The company is currently sitting on some cash about $62 billion and all of that has permitted Page to invest in Google’s business and that will make Google to become better (Helft, 2014). In conclusion, Page leadership style has successfully lead Google company.
As we all know that Larry Page is one of the excellent leader among the world. He has lead, communicates, guides, and motivates his employees perfectly thus he can stand out from other big company CEO. He had implemented People Orientation as their organizational culture. Larry Page try best to keep his employees happy and satisfy their work place in order to let employees work effective and efficient and achieve the maximum output to obtain company goals. He is try to make his employees feel they are working at home. For example, Larry Page do not constrain his employees and give them more freedom than other organization. Unlike other CEO, Larry Page allow to give 20% of free time to advance utilizing innovativeness of their employees.
In addition, Larry Page bid to build a workplace that make his employees feel they needed to be taken of and can relax their mind in anytime. So, gyms, video consoles, snooker tables, on-site child care and medical services are provided and also free to access in their office. The most imperative component that keeps him and his employees associated is “trust”. The employees of Google will repay him by working effective and efficient organization based on their talents. Larry Page always communicate with his team. Larry Page said that Google employees should be treat to each other like a family. In his opinion, he thought that they can get better productivity if employees feel the company is like their family. Larry Page also prefer to faster decisions and openness. Every week, their top administrators just need to go to the organization meeting one time to collaborate and make quick choices. In this way, Google company can run in effective and efficient situation. (Larry Page, 2013)
Organisational design is to discover the flawed aspects by steps with the organisational work flow, the structures, processes and systems of an organisation. Then, readjust the flawed system to fit the current business aims and establish plans for the new changes, this process targets on enhancing the technical side and people side of the business. (, n.d.) Designing organisational structure involves decisions about 6 key elements, which are work specialization, departmentalisation, chain of command, span of control, centralisation and decentralisation and formalisation.