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Managing Change

Essay by   •  April 12, 2011  •  907 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,015 Views

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Managing Change

Organizational change is a term commonly used to define changes organization-wide in contrast with the usual smaller changes like adding a new person or modifying a program. Some examples are: Change in mission, restructuring operations, implementing new programs such as TQM, and integrating new technologies. Carter McNamara mentions, on her article "Basic Context for Organizational Change", that nowadays are driven into change due to factors like substantial cuts in funding, aiming new markets or clients, need for increases in productivity, etc. There is always a resistance to change and many people think that the situation is fine as it is.

In order to manage change effectively there are several factors that must be taken into consideration. Dr. Carol Goman states, in her article "The Biggest Mistakes in Managing Change", which are the most common mistakes that managers make when trying to implement change throughout the organization. The first and most important factor would be always having in mind that change involves the people's will to accept change. Presenting the information honestly, including advantages and disadvantages, and not expecting the change to occur immediately are some key points to take into consideration when trying to implement change. Every employee must now exactly what new responsibilities he or she is acquiring with the change and which responsibilities are supposed to be passed on to lower levels. Employees easily identify what they are losing when they accept a change but the manager's labour is to make sure they are able to see which benefits are obtained when following the new set of rules.

Cummings and Worley (Organization Development and Change, 1995) describe a comprehensive, five-phase, general process for managing change, including:

1) Motivating Change: This phase includes getting the employees ready for a change explaining the actual situation and what the company needs to become. Organization leaders need to recognize that there is going to be fear and resistance to accept change.

2) Creating Vision: This phase is particularly important because employees must feel involved in the creation of the vision to identify what their effort will be accomplishing.

3) Developing Political Support: This is the show-stopper for most of the un-experienced managers trying to change organization wide. In order to gain support it is necessary to rely of a select team of people in which most of the employees trust and respect due to their authority, expertise, and experience. They will be the ones that will give credibility and drive to the change.

4) Managing the transition: This is the implementation phase, this requires coaching and constant communication among all the levels in the company. The initial plan is very likely to suffer modifications and adjustments during this phase.

5) Sustaining momentum: Once the operation has begun there must be no turning back and the organization leaders must make sure that everyone accepts and works according to the new policies to align all the employees in the company in the same direction.

There are some key roles when referring to organizational change. Some roles can be filled by one person or one person can fill more than role.

1. Change initiator - it is often an external person or factor that makes the organization leaders realize the need for a change. Is not common that the change initiator becomes the change agent.

2. Change agent - Person or group of persons in charge for organizing and coordinating the change effort.

3. Champion for change - this person is the one in charge of sustaining the enthusiasm for the change along the process.

4. Sponsor for change - Key internal person or department responsible for coordinating the



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