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Managing Project Risk Security Cards

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Review of New Technologies

"Managing Project Risk Security Cards"

By: Carl V. Gibson

Information Management in Business CIS/570

Mentor: Mr. Gregory Ellis

University of Phoenix

Date: March 26, 2007

Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) to date take to long getting passengers past the screening areas in all major airports in the United States. For this reason it is recommended that passengers who travel more that two times a year invest in the Security Cards which will provide them with getting thought the screening process. Reason for this is that the passenger will have to pay $100 per year for this service and have a background check which will allow him/her to travel with fewer hassles in airports in the United States. This is a new idea which could cut down on the time it takes to process business travelers. The cost of the Security Cards could be paid by the companies for which the business travelers work for as an added benefit.

It takes too long to get through airports and board commercial airplanes. The objective of this memo is to alleviate the problems surrounding airport security screening with a potential to increase efficiency and effectiveness of screening procedures while reducing traveler delays. In order to improve the time delays at screening checkpoint, the effort should come from both the passengers as well as from the TSA personnel. Discussed in this management proposal are the following areas:

- Passengers/Flight Travelers

o To understand the screening process are all based on sound security protocol

o To carry an acceptable check-in identity

o To check with air carrier for specific check-in times

o To not carry prohibited items

o To minimize screening time by reducing the number of metal items carried.

o To prepare for security screening, not just carry-on, but checked-in luggage as well

- Airport Management

o To improve management of TSA employees

o To improve the monitoring of line build-up by TSA employees- Open lanes before the line gets too long

o To prepare for unexpected volume of check-in

o To avoid flight delays by prioritizing screening by flight departure time

Most of all "A passenger who knows how to pack and what to wear is going to help keep the lines moving without delay."

The specific tasks and milestones required for Security Cards project are listed below.

The first thing we must know about the specific tasks and milestones required is why it is needed. By usage milestones and models you can be accurate and timely with information about what is likely to happen to the economy and society in the future which has always been of value to companies and the business of decision makers. It is best to look at specific tasks in today's aspect in business. While current economic forecasts may still seem to some to be mystically derived, today's economic forecasters tend to rely more on data, computer models, and economic theories. However, forecasting has become an important part of planning for any other business. For example, sales forecasts impact the inventory of finished goods and raw materials, the need for some types of personnel, space requirements, and financing, among other things. Macroeconomic forecasts may influence whether and where a business decides to expand, and the type and amount of financing that is used. Economics forecasters on the business channels are paid big money for their predictions on the economy.

To better understand how business milestones evolved you should know the following twelve steps to help you make better forecasts. So if you are one of those people whose forecasting method is usually only at best an educated guess or an intuitive guess, the following twelve steps can help you with you're the tasks and milestone process.

* Identify the problem

* Determine how you would use the forecast to deal with the problem

* Select the particular items you would need to forecast

* Determine the appropriate time horizon for a forecast that deals with this problem

* Research the techniques and theories used by others to forecast this variable in the past

* Evaluate all possible opinions and consider pros and cons

* Use a forecasting model that fits your business given your constraints and limitations

* Make the forecast

* Interpret the results

* Make decisions and take action based on results

* Implement a revolving recap of your forecast versus the actual figures

* Modify your forecasting model or technique accordingly

The twelve steps to help you with your forecasting process (Namvar, 2000)

In both the processes of forecasting and goal setting you will be able to see how they work together to define two alternative futures: the expected future and the desired future. The expected future is one that assumes that things continue as they are without change. We know that this is not possible since everything has to change to have a better outcome. For this reason alone my shop is always looking for way to improve the process. The old saying just because we do it that way is no longer the best way.

With in the Security Cards project we have identified the following risks which include the size, context, assessment, response development and response control. A contingency plan is an alternative plan that will be used if a possible foreseen risk event becomes a reality. "The sources of project risks are unlimited. There are sources external to the organization, such as inflation, market



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