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Managing by Values

Essay by   •  June 10, 2017  •  Term Paper  •  559 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,154 Views

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Pineda Kenneth C.

BM202- Human Behavior in Organizations

Managing by Values

Values is a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end state of existence. Personality and Values are needed to be managed individually and collectively in order to be efficient and effective and to achieve organizational goals and objectives. If I am Robert D. Haas, I will do the same thing. I will explain the reason why no company has embraced a values based strategy the way Levi has and that is “We are not doing this because it makes us feel good –although it does. We are not doing this because it is politically correct. We are doing these because we believe in the interconnection between liberating the talents of our people and business success”

Levi Strauss is embarked on a grand social experiment and enjoyed a reputation as a socially responsible employer. Applying the MBTI(Myers Brigg Type Indicator),First,   He is Extravert rather than introvert because of his traits of being sociable, energized by people and enjoy a variety of task. I can also consider him as a visionary person in a way of living up a singular vision of how to run a modern global corporation and in what he aspires to the management  like new behaviors, workforce diversity which considers valuable asset to the company that seeks a competitive advantage and pride themselves having a diverse workforce one that is made up of individual with wide a range of characteristics and experiences ,recognition,ethical management practices,communications and empowerment . Second, He is more intuitives rather than sensors in a reason of when they have a big problem when it comes in developing new products and getting goods into retail outlets they prefer to focus on possibilities and easily see patterns , value innovation and seek creative solution to certain problem like when they plan to spend million of money to restructure manufacturing, marketing and distribution system. Third, He is thinkers rather than feelers because they tend to make decisions using logical analysis , objectively weigh the advantages and disadvantages like when they don’t support child labor and they also value honesty, consistency and fairness in a way of under the team system a workers incentive pay is tied up to performance so when a employees are poor performer or absent worker it will affect everybody’s paycheck. Lastly, I think He is perceivers because they prefer to keep their opinions open, like to be able to act spontaneously like as far as some of the company’s customers are concerned, Levis has been a little too nice to its competition for the past few years. So their company was not totally perfect because there is fluctuations  in their profitability.



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