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Essay by   •  June 24, 2011  •  562 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,435 Views

Essay Preview: Manners

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Title of Speech: Whatever happened to good Manners?

General Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to discuss the importance of good


Specific Purpose: At the end of my speech I want my audience to be aware of how

Important manners are.


I. Interest Step: How to have good manners

II. Thesis Step: Having manners can affect you in many ways that you probably

never thought about.

III. Clarification: The meaning of manners.

IV. Preview Step: I am going to tell you a few things that manners can do for you.

I. Main Point: Good manners are a process of learning. Kids learn how to

develop social skills, to look people in the eye, smile and

empathize and understand other people’s point of view.

A. Evidence Miss Manners stated the reason for lack of manners is the parents

just not taking the time to teach their children.

B Reasoning Today the divorce rate is higher than ever, leaving both parents at

work all day ant the parental involvement is diminishing along

with the manners.

C.Relationship Children learn from parents so when they see their parents

screaming at other drivers, talking on the cell phone all the time

while driving and being disrespectful to others, why would

children think that was not normal. Parents should be setting

good examples for their kids. If more people were respectful of

Others our country would not be full of rude people.

II. Main PT: Ways to have good manners.

A. Evidence Think things out before you speak, especially if you are a person

who may be poor at finding the right words to say. Speak with

respect for others, always respect older people,. Use the terms

“Thank You” and You’re Welcome”.

B. Reasoning You will be surprised at how people will treat you with more

respect , if you just make the effort to use good manners.

C. Relationship When people show acts of kindness others are thrown off,

it is not very often that others do show manners. Just a simple

smile and thank you can get you a long way, people are more

perceptive of others with manners.




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