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Manufacturing Project

Essay by   •  October 29, 2010  •  1,570 Words (7 Pages)  •  2,035 Views

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The main task of this project is to develop the whole manufacturing process of the finished joint providing all necessary information, drawings, calculations and other required data. The process starts with raw materials to be used and ends up with assembly process.

All planning steps should be explained. Manufacturing process is developed taking in mind that new technologies are introduced and new methods are discovered.

All finished products should be competitive not only in the internal, but also in the external markets. To reach this level products should be produced and delivered in time at least cost. To do so we need to combine production rates, time required for production, labour input and economical values. We should consider not only one part production, but also the whole technological process.

To make the task as complete as possible we make use of different handbooks, which are presented in the references.

1. Assembly drawing analysis and description of the service function of the joint

The threading pad is used to fasten the parts (elements) screwing them with drilling machine.

The main part (node) of threading pad is base - position 3. The rest of parts are fastened on it. Base consists of two parts - base 7300 - 5622.031 and bushing 7300 - 5622.032. Plane B of the base is used for positioning. Into the slot (46 H7 mm) of base buttress the bushing is inserted, with one end 46 n6 and another end 52 e8. The bushing is fastened to the buttress of base using arc welding.

During the assembly of the component (node) it is necessary to secure that the parallelism of bushing surface (52e8 mm) with respect to the plane B (deviation cannot be greater 0.05 mm). It must be perpendicular to the plane A (deviation not greater 0.05 mm).

The threaded part is superposed on the buttress surface 52e8, which in its turn is build upon the buttress of the base.

Position 1 - press. 7300 - 5622.010 - component (node) consists of three parts: plate 7300 - 5622.001 (one piece), bushing 7300 - 5622.012 (two pieces).

The machined part is fastened on part surface A. Two bushings 25-0.5 mm are inserted into the slots (24 H7) of the plate, using idle fit (24n6). Slots of bushings (15 M9) facilitate the positioning of press on the columns of pad 7300 - 5622.002 - position 5 (tightness with clearance).

During the assembly of component (node) it is necessary to secure that the axes of bushings and slots were perpendicular to the surface A. columns are inserted with idle fitting 15 H7/n6. Increasing and decreasing the pressure on the machined part, press is moving along the surfaces of columns 15e8 mm.

The slot 17 mm in a press is used for screwing a pin. The end of pin M16-7H is screwed into the base slot M16-7H. To have it fixed the thread (M625 mm) is screwed. Slot drilling and threading is performed during the assembly. Springs N380 GOST 13766 are pulled on the surface of column 15e8 (position - 7). They are used to lift the press and disengage the detail.

Press - position 2 - node composed of the following parts: buttress, handle and two bushings. Slot M16-7H is used to put the press on the buttress and then screwed on the pin M16-7H. Handle 7300-5622.003 is inserted into the slot 10 mm and it is used to twist the buttress. To have the handle fixed the bushings are pulled on its surface 17-0.1 mm. After the bushings are pulled on, the ends of handle are riveted.

Handle 7300-5622.003 (position 6) is used to reposition all the threading pad on the machine (lathe) table and for scaffolding during the process of threading.

2. Type of production and manufacturing method

The annual output is 300 joints per year. So, for a given joint we choose small-lot production.

According to the initial data the number of each part required to assemble the tip and the annual output for each part is:

No. of part Part number Name of

the part Number of parts/joint,

pieces Annual output,


1 7300-5622.031 Base 1 300

2 7300-5622.032 Bushing 1 300

3 7300-5622.002 Core 2 600

7300-5622.010 Clamper:



4 7300-5622.011 1 300

5 7300-5622.012 2 600

6 7300-5622.001 Pin 1 300

7300-5622.020 SB Screw clamper:



7 7300-5622.021 1 300

8 7300-5622.022 1 300

9 7300-5622.023 Bushing 2 600

The equipment consists of general-purpose machine tool, equipped with universal jigs, fixtures and tools. This enables the labor input and the cost of production to be substantially reduced.

The machine tools and other processing equipment are arranged in accordance with the sequence of manufacturing operations. During operation the whole batch of blanks or work pieces is stored at the machine tool; the whole batch is delivered to another machine tool for next operation. The size of the batch is selected such that it would be convenient to manufacture from 1 standard steel sheet.

3. Service function of the parts and purposes of different surfaces

3.1 Base 7300.5622.031

The base 7300.5622.031 is the basic detail of the 7300-5622.030SB basis node. The liner 7300-5622.032 is put into the hole Ш46H7. The material of the detail is Steel 45ЛGOST977. The weight is 0.9 kg. On the additional drawing all the projections, dimensions, surface roughness, technical requirements are shown. The shape of the detail doesn't let it to be produced by hot rolling, because in this case we get low material usage efficiency



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