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Essay by   •  April 17, 2011  •  488 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,087 Views

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Marijuana is a plant that when consumed creates a euphoric effect or "high" for the individual using the drug. The chemical in marijuana that creates this affect is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The amount of THC in the marijuana determines the potency and affects. ( The continuous daily use of marijuana will have profound negative effects on the users overall performance. The drug, although not proven addictive, affects the user throughout their entire body. Recent research shows that the affects of long-term marijuana use produces changes in the brain that are also seen in long-term use of drugs like cocaine and opiates. ( Physically by slowing down an individual's activeness, emotionally clouding ones mind and perceptions, and mentally affecting memory, the thought process, and the individual's motivation. These effects are amplified by the amount consumed, determining how severely the user's performance is effected. When an individual consumes marijuana that person is affected physically. After a user has been continuously using there is a visible difference in the actions of the person in a "before and after" sense. Research has measured outcomes from abstinence of marijuana use, to improvements in family and social problems. ( ) The individual typically becomes less active in physical activity and social interactions. The Abuse of marijuana can sometimes be attributed to most commonly depression or psychological disorders. Some people use the drug to deny, to cope, or hide an underlying psychological disorder, such as Schizophrenia.

( The way the drug affects the user overall, it gives them a negative physical change.

Marijuana will affect a user emotionally. The drug, just as it physically makes the user sluggish, it does the same things to the emotions. The continuous use of the drug will not allow the user to feel a lot of the things he or she may be experiencing.



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