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Marketing Management

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Essay Preview: Marketing Management

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English 110

25 March 2008

Career in Marketing Management

Marketing management is the process of marketing while managing people below you. There are many different parts to this career. This paper will explain what marketing management is all about. What a marketing manager does is tells what types of skills and personality traits are needed for this field. The education and the experience that is needed to help get the job. I will explain the basics needed for this career and talk about the job outlook as a whole.

What does a marketing manager do Mncareers asks, “Marketing managers develop marketing plans to sell products or services. Research and analyze audiences and products. Create budgets and supervise staff” (86). A marketing manager deals with many different people as Lisa Kleis explains she works with masons, carpenters, homeowners, designers, architects; this is a good example of how many people a person in this field has to interact with. Hours are never certain because of the changes in the supply and demand. Also, what you are trying to promote is never certain because of changes in the market demand. Here is an example from Claudia Deutsch’s story on Waste Managements marketing strategy, “Advertising on sitcoms and reality television is generally not considered the way to reach that unusually aware group, so Waste Management has been running its commercials on news, sports shows, on educational channels like the Discovery Channel, and the History Channel.” Through this article it talks about what Waste Management has to do. This is only part of a marketing manager.

The skills and personality needed for this career as stated by Shelly Field are creativity, aggressiveness, motivation, communication and writing skills, ambition, and the ability to research. (164)” People within this field need all of these skills to help them succeed in their career. Aggressiveness, motivation, ambition, and communication are all needed to help market products to the consumers. If one of these skills is missing it would become difficult to promote a product to someone or for them to understand what the product exactly entails. Writing skills and the ability to research the product are important because they are the basics for people to understand what is trying to be marketed. Being aggressive and knowing the product is a big part of this being successful in this field.

Education and experience is also important in this field. The U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics in its online form says, “Most advertising, marketing, promotions, public relations, and sales management positions are filled by promoting experienced staff or related professional personnel. For example, many managers are former sales representatives, purchasing agents, buyers, or product advertising, promotions, or public relations specialists. In small firms, where the numbers of positions are limited, advancement to a management position usually comes more slowly. In large firms, promotions may occur more quickly.” All of this meaning that experience goes a long way while trying to advance in this line of work. An education is also required. Most have requirements of a 4-year degree or master’s degree (Mncareers 86). According to Field, “Good choices for majors include business administration, communications, marketing, public relations, advertising, or liberal arts.” One more thing that can improve education is attending seminars on any of these areas of study. These seminars give the marketer a broader perspective on who they are



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