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Marketing Plan - Russia

Essay by   •  May 6, 2011  •  8,103 Words (33 Pages)  •  1,877 Views

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In modern Russia marketing only just begins to be developed. Conducting strategic investment policy and strategic marketing is hindered because of the general unsteady state of the economy, uncertainty of political situation, not realizing of sequential state investment policy. In connection with this it is necessary to develop more than the alternatives of the strategic plans of the development of firm, to more frequently correct purposes and strategies depending on new situation. But even now it understands the majority of leaders, that the success of enterprise in many respects depends on effective management, making of optimum decisions, market exploration, and selection of personnel. And all this in full or in part enters into the subject area of marketing.

Marketing requires as the concept of control (philosophy of business) that the company would consider consumption as the "democratic" process, with which the users have the right "to vote" for the necessary to them product with their money. This determines the success of company and makes it possible to optimally satisfy the need of user. Therefore this theme is urgent and requires special study and attention.

Basic purpose: the study of marketing as the concepts of market control.

Basic tasks:

* Development of the special features of the process of the evolution of the concept of marketing

* Determination of the role of information system for the support of making administrative decisions

* Characteristic of the organization of the structure of control of marketing

* Analysis of effectiveness in control of marketing of enterprise and ways of its increase

1.1 concepts of marketingovoy activity

Control of marketing, actually reflects the basic functions of the management:

planning, organization, motivation and control, which are directed toward the realization of the following purposes: establishment, strengthening and the maintenance of advantageous exchanges with the purposeful buyers for reaching of the tasks of organization, such, as obtaining profit, an increase in the volume of sale an increase in the market share, etc.

Are separated five basic concepts, on base of which the commercial organizations achieve the marketingovuyu activity:

the improvement of production;

commodity; marketable;


social- ethical.

Let us examine the enumerated concepts.

1. Production concept (or the concept of the improvement of production). According to this concept the user is oriented in the accessible for himself goods, which have low price. Enterprises, which adhere to this concept, have predominantly series or large-scale production with the high efficiency and the low prime cost, and sale of the goods produced by them is produced with the aid of the numerous commercial enterprises. To the basic prerequisites of existence of this concept can be attributed the following: a) the large part of the real and potential users have low incomes; b) demand is equal or a little exceeds proposal; c) occurs a rapid decrease in the region of labor and production expenditures (usually on the new production), which leads to the achievement of larger market share.

The efforts of enterprises, the following of this concept, must be aimed at the improvement of process, and consequently, to reduction in the expenses, an increase in the productivity of labor and production efficiency.

Those producers, who are clearly oriented to the branch with good prospects for increase, adhere to of production concept; they have low diversification and act under the conditions of minimum political and social control.

2. Commodity (product) concept either concept of qualitative product or the concept of the improvement of goods

The basic idea of this concept consists into the orientation of users to those goods or the services, which on technical characteristic and operating characteristics exceed analogs and thus bring to users the large gaines. Producers in this case direct efforts to an improvement in the quality of their goods, in spite of the disadvantage costs and, consequently, also price. The factors, which support existence of this concept of marketing, include the following: a) society requires not the quantitative, but qualitative characteristics of standard of living; b) the instability of economic situation; c) inflation; d) the monopolist limitations of market; e) the rapid obsolescence of goods.

3. Marketable concept (or the concept of the intensification of commercial efforts).

It assumes that the users will buy the proposed goods in a sufficient volume only in such a case, when company applied the specific efforts for an advance of goods and an increase in their sales.

The basic prerequisites of the use of a marketable concept consist of the following: A) the primary task of firm CONSISTS of reaching of the specific volume of sales of its goods; b) users not will buy goods in the volume, necessary from the point of view of firm, without the specific action; c) of users it is possible to make it necessary to purchase given goods with the aid of different methods of stimulating sales; g) buyers will be repeated purchases or there is make the sufficiency of potential users.

The firms, which are guided by marketable concept, they usually assume that the users do not have clearly expressed intention to acquire their goods, and therefore it is necessary to conduct the active search of potential buyers.

In practice the realization of marketable concept is connected with the attachment of purchase, moreover salesman strives in so that that not it would begin to conclude transaction, and the satisfaction of the needs of buyer is secondary moment. Sometimes a similar practice can lead to the loss of market for the producer. The fact that the concept of sale nevertheless can be effective in the long period, is explained by the following reasons: a) many buyers consider that they can protect their interests; b) buyers, not satisfied by purchase, soon forget about their feeling of the dissatisfaction: c) buyers, not satisfied by purchase, do not very



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