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Maya Angelou

Essay by   •  December 23, 2010  •  747 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,741 Views

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Maya Angelou

To begin, in 1928 Marguerite Johnson known as (Maya Angelou) was born April fourth in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1931 Maya Angelou's parents divorce and she and her brother Bailey were sent to live with their grandmother in Arkansas for three years. Maya moved to Chicago with her brother in 1935 to live with their mother, at the age of eight Maya was sexual assaulted in 1936 and she was so traumatized that she refused to talk to anyone other than her brother. The man who assaulted her was her mothers boyfriend and after the trial he got murdered a couple months later and Maya and her brother were sent back to live with their grandmother. After four years since Maya was so traumatized she finally starts speaking to everyone. A years later Bailey and Maya moves back with their mother in San Francisco. Maya finally gives up and drops out of high school and works as the first black cable car conductor in San Francisco which was in 1944. Maya went back to school and finally graduated from Mission high school. Were she had her first child name Guy and also she became a single mother. Seven years later Maya got married to a man name Tosh Angelos. In 1953 Maya Angelou performed at a night club called Purple Onion in San Francisco and she adopted the stage name Maya Angelou. In which her brother called her Maya since they were little. For two years Maya traveled with the Everyman's opera company production of porgy and Bess and sang on the choir. She began writing lyrics which became poetry and many short stories. Also her singing came up so well that she was welcome to join the Harlem Writers Guild which she moved to Brooklyn, New York. In 1960 Maya becomes the northeaster regional coordinator of SCLC which stands for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Maya got to direct and perform in "cabaret for Freedom", which she wrote with comedian Godfrey Cambridge. Also Maya gets to meet Martin lither king Jr. and Malcolm X. Not to forget Maya appeared in a Broadway play which was called "The blacks", that was produced as a benefit for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. A couple a months' later Maya gets married to an African freedom fighter name Vusumi Make. In which Maya and her son Guy moves to Africa with her new husband during 1961.Four months, later Maya became the associate editor for Arab observer in Cairo, Egypt in 1962. A year later which is 1963 she serves as assistant administrator at the school of music and drama at the University of Ghana. For two more years Maya works as editor for the African review and she is known as a contributor to the



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