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Mayan Doomsday

Essay by   •  January 5, 2011  •  2,881 Words (12 Pages)  •  1,101 Views

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On the day of December 21, 2012, a day that will be fear as the date arrives has been target as the day of Armageddon. With most skeptics believing that it will be a normal day just before the holidays. But, what if ones nightmares come true and December 21 becomes a day of great pandemonium that man has ever seen. For those that don’t know who this source of these ideas of doom came from a great civilization whose past was full of darkness through the disappearance of their writing, dark secrets and its people. Which has recently been rediscover and who are these people one might ask well they are “The Mayans!” With this date arriving in next five years, must hurry up to look where this prophecy came from, who this people really are and is there any other sources of this date of destruction. Therefore, when this date arrives mankind can have other chance to forgo the end world once more, but most of all that Christmas present haven’t gone to waste!

What if someone was going to say that the current calendar is inaccurate than the Mayan nation who mysteriously disappear from the face of the earth and that current scientist agree with this statement. Their calendar is one and ten thousandth more accurate than Gregorian calendar which is what our current calendar is based off of. The Mayan calendar is more complex, but makes a lot more sense in the fact that it goes along with galactic/universal events which take place in space. The calendar is made up of three calendars call Tzolk’in, Haab’, and Long count. Each calendar has a specific amount of days and a special reasoning behind them. Without these calendars Mayan history won’t be the same in the fact that Mayan will learn of their future nation and fate of the world (Mayan Video).

The first calendar is like our solar calendar in the fact that it has three hundred sixty-five days, but made up of eighteen months of twenty days each plus a period of five days ("unlucky days") at the end of the year known as Wayeb'. Second calendar is called Tzolk’in two hundred sixty days period; the Tzolk'in calendar combines twenty day names with the thirteen numbers of the trecena cycle. It is used to determine the time of religious and ceremonial events and for divination. Each successive day is numbered from one up to thirteen and then starting again at one. Theory of calendar creation came from mathematical operations based on the numbers thirteen and twenty, which were important numbers to the Maya. The numbers multiplied together equal two hundred sixty. Another theory is that the two hundred sixty days period came from the length of human pregnancy. With combination of these create the calendar round which inter creating a fifty-two year cycle equal to our century. Also, that in this calendar there were other little calendar use for the lunar cycles of and Venus cycle of five hundred eighty-two days. With these astrological events will be predicted for thousands of years that will help with prediction that the third calendar is to repeat future events constantly. Some prediction will become predictions for time and history as self with amazing accuracies to modern events (Mayan Video).

Third and final calendar is outside part of the calendar round called the long count. This is the most important part of the calendar in the way that it follows the fifty-two years cycle of the calendar round. Which the calendar starts on the mythical date of August 13 in 3114 B.C. of Mayans creation, but mysterious ends on the date December 12, 2012(Mayan Video). The long count was like modern century but mostly base of the idea that the average Mayan can only life up to fifty-two years of age. The Mayans as time went on Mayans knowing of this date and other future dates that will affect the entire world as a whole. Therefore, Mayan created these Kaktuns in the long count calendar which show how calendar repeats itself to show real concept of time. The world is currently in the twelfth Kaktuns and on December, 12 2007 will complete and become the thirteenth Kaktuns (Mayan Video). In this Kaktuns, there will be a cosmic alignment of the sun will align with the center of the galaxy. Scientist recent has discovered that this usually happens every twenty-six thousand years by them use telescope, but the Mayan predicted without use of them (Lemonick 50).

In the world today, our concept of time is that time is a straight line that continues as it is and never repeats itself. The Mayan idea of time is quite simple. Through the use of their calendar, it would show how their time is always repeating itself. As a result, the Mayans thought the universe was in an endless cycle. Through mathematical calculations of gravity and time, science proves that the universe is constantly repeating (Mayan Video). One can look in mathematical equation see how that always repeat itself and change its answer like two plus two always equals four. Also they say that history always repeat itself in the history books like now with Iraq war and in the past with the Vietnam War. Now with physics become more advance is show that this is true in the way that universe is like a giant grid with everything in place where suppose to be (Doomsday Video).

From these calendars myth was created to tell their people of what they are, where they are in life and what their culture will be. In typical game for the Mayans had been a ball game, but had a dark myth behind the game and they would play out like the gods in the myth behind it. The game was play on a ball court that represent the Milky Way and there a ring in the center that is the center of galaxy. Then there is a rubber that is represent as the sun that the teams must fit in that whole just the size of the ball and will win the game. After the game is play the winning team must be sacrifice to the gods from the creation for what the gods did for them to save man. This myth came from the Popol vu (Mayan Bible) is base of the cosmic sun alignment that the dark riff in Milky Way is an entrance to the underworld. It is through center of the murky gap that the sun will on December 21, 2012. That the lords of the underworld challenge the first father to a game and he accepts, but the darks withdrew their offer and cut off his head. His sons the hero twins avenge the murder by defeating in an epic conquest. Then they resurrected first father. This related to doomsday that first father Mayan named means first sun of the new is the winter solstice which is December 21.

Another myth is based off of the el Castillo in Chichen Itza. El Castillo is a pyramid with ninety-one steps on all four sides with the top step equal three hundred sixty-five days (Freidal 68). Then on the equinox of fall & spring (fall/spring solstice) the



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