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Mba 550 Course Syllabus

Essay by   •  January 1, 2011  •  4,129 Words (17 Pages)  •  1,456 Views

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Please print a copy of this syllabus for handy reference.

Whenever there is a question about what assignments are due, please remember this syllabus is considered to be the ruling document.



COURSE TITLE: Resource Optimization



REQUIRED READING: Students are required to read all materials available at the rEsource site for this course on

Facilitator Information

Bruce Betts (University of Phoenix) (Personal)

916-529-0778 (PST)

Facilitator Availability

I am available from 7am - 10pm PST most days. I do teach on ground classes as well as online classes so there will be days when you can not reach me between 6pm and 10pm. I will be online most days and will return voicemail or email the same day.

For emergencies, when you are not able to gain access to messages on the Online Learning System (OLS), please send a message to my personal email address.

General Course Description

See Course Description in the rEsource materials or module for this course.

Course Objectives

See Course Objectives in the rEsource materials or module for this course.

The Online Weekly Schedule

Electronic weeks begin on Tuesday and end on Monday.

Day 1 - Tuesday

Day 2 - Wednesday

Day 3 - Thursday

Day 4 - Friday

Day 5 - Saturday

Day 6 - Sunday

Day 7 - Monday

Where to Go to Class: Your Course Forums

Main: This is the main forum for the class and is where discussion is conducted. It has read-and-write access for everyone.

Assignments-write-only: This is where you will submit some of your assignments. You will only be able to see your own posts.

Chat-Room: This is a read-and-write access forum. It is designed as a place to discuss issues not related to the course content. This is the forum to which we will send our bios.

Course-Materials: This is a read-only forum, which means you can read messages here but cannot send any. This is where I will post the course syllabus and materials.

Learning-Team-A: These five Learning Team forums will be used as workrooms for the learning teams. You will be assigned to one of these learning teams.








Please see the attendance policies included in the first message posted in the Main forum.


Participation is very important online. You will be expected to participate 4 days a week in several different discussions and to contribute at least two substantive discussion messages on each of those 4 days. This is a required part of your grade. Participation consists of notes you send above and beyond graded assignments. This generally means the messages you send as replies to messages from your classmates and me.

Please note that both quantity and quality are important considerations when it comes to participation. For example, a message which says simply, "I agree," does not constitute participation, because it does not add anything of substance to the discussion.

In order to earn full participation points, you must add something of substance to the discussion 4 out of 7 days per week--this would consist of new ideas, your perspectives, pointed follow-up questions, etc. You will find it is much easier to keep up with an Online class when you are logging in and participating regularly.

Only posts in the Main classroom forum will count towards your class participation score.

Participation and Discussion Question Grading

Discussion question responses will count towards the class participation requirement.

Weekly Summaries

Weekly summaries will be required in this course and counted as class participation.

Final Week Requirements

Discussion question responses will NOT be required during the final week of the course.

Expectations for Discussion Question Responses

Discussion question responses should be at least 200-300 words. For discussion question responses in the Main forum, please post responses to the threads provided. To respond, highlight the appropriate thread, click on Reply, type your response, and send. Please do not start a new thread for the weekly discussion questions in the Main forum.

Unlike your formal written assignments, I do not require that your discussion question responses adhere to specific formatting requirements. However, please make sure to proofread carefully. Grammar and spelling errors may impact the grading.

I expect your discussion question responses to reflect critical thought. Whenever possible, please try to relate the course content to real-world applications from your work experience.


Please do not use attachments in the Main forum. Post DQ responses and weekly summaries (if required) in the body of OLS messages. Please post formal assignments in the Assignments-write-only forum as attachments-Microsoft® Word documents or PowerPoint® slides.

Learning Teams

University of Phoenix students are



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