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Media And The People

Essay by   •  November 11, 2010  •  1,356 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,425 Views

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Many tragedies, deaths and other popular actions take place everyday around the world, and we the people, count on media to cover these accounts in full detail. News articles and the media are two topics that go hand-in-hand with each other when discussing the perception of a world topic. Giving the media this power to describe the account also gives them the power to one-side any particular story. Often false accusations are made and wrong people are blamed, for no other reason than the media pointing fingers in wrong directions. The media also has the power to confuse, for as one media program might cover an account to be the blame of one man and another media program to be blame of another. The media has been given too much power with influencing the thoughts of people across the world. Take in

The war with Iraq has sparked many different views and perspectives in the media world. Such popular topics of discussion with broadcasters and reports have been: Is Busch to blame? Is the War really necessary? Is the US sticking its nose where it shouldn't be? And so the list goes on forever and ever. With such a popular international topic such as this, the media has the power to break it down to every little aspect as long as the viewer is interested. Who is the decision maker, who is the one that chooses who is truly at fault? How do we know the media doesn't change views based on which country its news is broadcasting in? With America at war with Iraq, do American televisions say Iraq kills 10 U.S. soldiers, while an Iraqi one states that U.S. invades country to take over?

The heart of any media article or report is in the tone, perspective, and content. Although both of these articles are one two different specific sub-topics, they are both on the same topic; and with sharing the same topic they also both share the same tone. They both share the same perspective of a guilty Iraq. As for the content; they are mostly similar except that the second article, "Pentagon: 110 U.S. Troops Killed in Iraq", is a little more enlightened towards the U.S. taking some blame.

The two pieces of media material I have reviewed share many similarities yet many differences in tone, perspective and content. Both of these pieces cover basically the same topic of the war in Iraq. Although each one gets into different detail about the event, both keep the same perspective. The perspective is that being of a guilty or blameful Iraq. Both of these articles have been retrieved from, thus being a U.S. related media source. Each of the articles are titled "Deadliest month since Iraq invasion" and "Pentagon: 110 U.S. Troops Killed in Iraq". When these titles are first heard, read, or viewed by Americans the first thought that comes to find is not one of a blameful U.S. but that of a rotten Iraq nation. As the article goes on, it continues to speak of how rebellious Iraq soldiers in coalition with the citizens open daily attacks on innocent U.S. soldiers.

The tone of these articles share many characteristics when being reviewed. Each one shared a grim, gloomy, tone of death and destruction. Neither article had a positive nor enlightened side that would show hope or progress. The points of these articles were to appeal the sympathetic and emotional sides of the reader; making he or she feel an upset or sadness when reading about the death of our soldiers. As for the content of these two pieces, the Titles say it all; for both titles refer to the deaths of American soldiers as well as the articles do. Although the second article, "Pentagon: 110 U.S. Troops Killed in Iraq", discusses more into detail about how the U.S. should not continue to stay in Iraq, it still focuses on the deaths being of an Iraq blame.

Even though these articles share many similarities they also share many differences. Besides the obvious differences of titles, authors, and Media Company, the articles still posses other differences. A major difference between the two is that one of the articles, "PentagonÐ'...", talks of a possible guilty America. This is a major issue with media companies, because this single idea could spark major changes in not only the morale but overall economy of a country. The other difference between the two articles is the second one also presents the fact that they are still other countries that might pose a threat to the American



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